
How will you be able to assess whether or not you “understand”?

Module 3 – SLP
Setting Personal Leadership Goals
In Module 1, you began the process of developing a Leadership Growth
Plan (LGP) with a thorough self-assessment. In Module 2, you established
your vision, identified obstacles to achieving that vision, and made plans to
overcome the obstacles. In this module, you will continue to develop your
LGP by setting goals and conducting an assessment of resources you will
need to accomplish your goals. The outcome of this exercise is a 2- to 3-
page plan that specifies 3 to 4 goals you would like to accomplish in the
next year and sets clear objectives for what you will need to do to achieve
Keys to the Assignment
Perhaps the hardest part of setting goals is getting started. Begin by
considering the following:
1. Ask yourself: “What do I need to be doing in order to achieve my
vision?” Think in terms of what you can accomplish by next year. These
are the milestones that describe your goals. They define what you
intend to do.
2. Next, look at each goal separately and ask yourself:
◦ “What do I need to do to reach this goal?”
◦ “What skills do I need to acquire?”
◦ “What new knowledge do I need?”
The answers to these three questions constitute your objectives.
Objectives are shorter term than goals and specify what you need, when
you need it, and how you are going to get it. While goal statements are
helpful in that they set a direction, objectives provide the “roadmap” that
will get you to your vision. Objectives tell you exactly what you need to do,
how you need to do it, and provide a timeline.
Strong objectives meet the following criteria:
• They are specific. When you write your objectives, use action words
that have a tangible outcome such as identify, demonstrate, perform, or
calculate. You will be able to assess when you have met these types of
objectives. Avoid words like understand, appreciate, know, or learn.
These terms are too vague. How will you be able to assess whether or
not you “understand”?
• They are challenging. Difficult, but attainable objectives will help you
cultivate a greater leadership capacity. If an objective is too easy, you
will not grow. If it is too difficult, you may end up frustrated and the goal
will be unfulfilled.
Your goals and objectives form the outline of your development plan. To
flesh it out, determine what actions are required to meet your objectives.
These actions usually make up the greater part of the leadership
development plan itself.
Putting it all together and writing up the plan
• Fortunately, there are a lot of templates on the internet to help you
create an action plan. Begin by doing some research and select a
template that will allow you to present your goals, objectives, and
timeline. You will also need to identify the resources you will need.
Most of these templates are some type of table, and it is easy to follow
what will need to be done, by when.
• The critical component of this assignment is to be specific about what
actions you will take to gather the resources you will need to meet your
goals. The following list gives a number of specific actions you can
include in your plan, but you should not stop with these. Use your own
initiative and creativity to come up with additional formal, informal,
directed, and self-directed actions you can take to meet your Leadership
Growth Plan.
◦ Reading – This is the basic and most
fundamental way to stay current in your area of
expertise, gain new knowledge, and be inspired.
Your plan should include regular reading of
professional journals, trade publications, books,
and reputable online resources.
◦ Training programs and courses – Formal
courses and training seminars can be effective
and efficient ways of learning new skills and
expanding your leadership capacities. Many
companies offer such training opportunities, but
also check independent or consulting firms in
specific areas such as motivation, performance
appraisal, cross-cultural communication, or
mentoring. Check out the internet, but also local
colleges and Universities. Certificates can offer
cost and time-effective ways to home in on
developing specific skills such as human
resources or project management.
◦ On the job – even if your current position does
not involve leadership responsibilities, you can
look for ways to learn leadership through
practical experience by mentoring a younger or
newer employee, chair a task force, prepare a
presentation, or simply work to develop your
active listening skills on a daily basis.
◦ Volunteering – Join a civic group, charity, board
of a non-profit, political campaign, fundraising
effort, or other community service. Be the first to
offer to take on a new project or supervise other
volunteers. Represent the group on radio, TV, or
press as the spokesperson.
◦ Find a mentor – identify someone who has what
you want and ask if they will show you the ropes.
Let her know that you want to develop specific
skills, such as public speaking or organizing
events and would be interested in being a helping
hand to learn these skills. Ask for feedback from
supervisors and let them know you would
welcome leadership opportunities.
◦ Journaling – often overlooked, a habit of writing
about problems, learnings, obstacles
encountered and overcome, and even hopes and
dreams of the future can help set direction and
increase motivation. A journal can document
what you are learning and how it can apply to
your leadership development.
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SLP Assignment Expectations
• Include a cover page and reference page in addition to the 2-3 pages of
analysis described above.
• Your paper should have an introduction and a conclusion, but the main
part of the assignment may be a well-constructed, professionally
designed table.
• Use headings to indicate major sections of the report.
• Cite and reference any outside sources.
• Use APA formatting.
• Proofread and edit your papers carefully. The expectation is zero errors.

What is the relevance of this experience in terms of your practice? How has this experience developed you as a professional?

Assignment brief

Assessment Criteria:

It will be marked according to the Level 5 University marking grid.

This assignment has been designed to provide you with an opportunity to demonstrate your achievement of the following module learning outcomes:


LO1  Demonstrate a contextual understanding of the knowledge and skills required to provide general

care for people and their families in diverse situations.


LO 2 Demonstrate a critical understanding of the ways of working that teams and individual

colleagues employ to promote anti-discriminatory practice, the assessment and management of risk or safeguarding individuals and the public.



LO 3 Provide evaluative evidence of the application of knowledge in an alternative field of practice.


This is a 2,000 word reflection.


Using Driscoll’s (2007) reflective model, you will demonstrate critical understanding of an area of

practice (Anti-Discriminatory Practice OR Risk OR Safeguarding). This reflection must start by

considering an alternative area of nursing and end by contextualising the discussion into the student’s own field of nursing.

The reflection should include:

  • Title: Develop a title – reflecting the scenario, which alternate area of nursing, the area of practice and your own field of nursing.
  • Briefly rationalise the relevance of reflection within healthcare, then follow the stages of Driscoll’s (2007) model of reflection.
  • Marks will be deducted on Presentation and Knowledge and Understanding if another reflective model other than Driscoll’s (2007) model of reflection is applied in this assignment.
  • The overall structure of this assessment should consist of Introduction, Main Body and Conclusion. NB No sub-headings/ sub-titles within the body of work!

NB Remember you need to apply the lessons learnt to your own field of nursing.

  • You must declare your own field of nursing and select an alternate area of nursing.
Student’s own field Alternate area of nursing
Adult                      Child, Learning Disability, Mental Health or Older Adult.



How your work will be assessed

Your work will be assessed on the extent to which it demonstrates your achievement of the stated learning outcomes for this assignment (see above) and against other key criteria, as defined in the University’s institutional grading descriptors. If it is appropriate to the format of your assignment and your subject area, a proportion of your marks will also depend upon your use of academic referencing conventions.

This assignment will be marked according to the grading descriptors for Level 5.



(85-100%)                      (70%-84%)




>12.7 12.6-10.5 9-10.4





Demonstrates exceptional academic writing style for this level of work Grammar and spelling accurate

Thoughts and ideas clearly expressed

Fluent academic writing style

Within the word limit

Work displays a professional approach

Word count declared

Minimal errors in grammar and spelling accurate

Thoughts and ideas clearly expressed

Fluent academic writing style

Within the word limit

Work displays a professional approach

Word count declared

>12.7 12.6-10.5 9-10.4




Draws predominantly on primary sources of evidence Harvard System used consistently and accurately

Wide range and sizeable amount of reading from a variety of academic sources

Accurate and comprehensive reference list supplied

Harvard System used consistently and accurately

Good range and amount of reading from a reasonable variety of academic sources

Accurate and comprehensive reference list supplied

>21.2 17.5-21.1 15-17.3

Knowledge and understanding



Demonstrates a full grasp of the contextual nature of knowledge relevant to the topic. Demonstrates extensive and relevant exploration of the topic

Identifies and demonstrates understanding of all key issues and discusses these in depth

Safe practice maintained throughout


Demonstrates a fairly extensive and relevant exploration of the topic

Identifies and demonstrates understanding of most of the key issues and discusses these in some depth

Safe practice maintained throughout


Version 6: 5.10.10

Level 5



(85-100%)                        (70%-84%)




>17 14-16.9 12-13.9
Integrating academic learning and  practice



Resourceful and imaginative ability to integrate academic learning into practice. All relevant implications for practice are clearly identified and explained

Demonstrates effective integration of academic learning with issues from  practice

Confidentiality is maintained.

Relevant implications for practice are clearly identified and explained

Demonstrates effective integration of academic learning with issues from  practice

Confidentiality is maintained.

>17 14-16.9 12-13.9




Work shows evidence of a mature and independent analytical approach. Understanding of theory, principles and research evidence is used very effectively to analyse issues and problems

Demonstrates a sustained analytical approach

Understanding of theory, principles and research evidence is used effectively to analyse issues and problems

An analytical approach is reasonably well maintained


>4.3 3.5-4.2 3-3.4
Synthesis and evaluation



Evaluates data to develop a strongly reasoned and articulated argument.


Demonstrates some creativity in building a reasoned argument to reach a logical conclusion





Demonstrates the ability to build a reasoned argument to reach a logical conclusion


Assessment Requirements

In compliance with the principles listed above students must:

  1. Remove names and addresses, identification numbers and any other form of identification from their work that could lead to the identification of an individual in their care. (Do not use labels, TippexTM or black markers, students must recopy if used or cut out any identifying data).


  1. Exclude the name of the organisation, except where students must produce a portfolio to evidence practice or a work-based learning contract in which staff and organisation names must be identified. An organisation might be a local authority, NHS trust, statutory or voluntary agency, hospital, clinic, school, day- centre or residential unit. However, in academic assignments, detailed descriptions of the workplace, personal or family backgrounds or any specific data that could lead to the identification of workplace, service-users, carers or staff members must be omitted.
  2. Exclude the name of the organisation on documents or information produced for use by the organisation, unless these are published and available in the public domain.
  3. Replace actual names with pseudonyms when writing about a particular person or place and state as early as possible in the assignment that the name(s) used is/are fictitious.
  4. Please note the following:

Unless a declaration is made within work submitted for assessment that a pseudonym has been used for a patient/client/service-user/learner, markers will assume that confidentiality has been breached and will award a zero percentage mark. Markers will not seek to verify confidentiality on the student’s behalf.

  1. Ensure that personal data, including hospital numbers, case numbers, names and addresses are not stored in electronic files or paper copies of their work.
  2. Ensure that they do NOT remove organisational personal or medical records from the workplace without following organisations’ procedures.
  3. Obtain consent from the patient/client/service-user/learner and a senior member of staff or practice assessor/verifier to copy data from their records (e.g. treatment records or care plans) for use in course assignments, paying due regard to confidentiality by removing names, addresses database numbers and any other form of identification from copies of records.

Students must not submit for publication work that includes confidential information. However, students may submit material for ‘end point’, publication where subjects cannot be recognised.

The content of this module is linked to your practice experiences and the NMC Code (2018):

  • Professional Values
  • Communication and Interpersonal skills (DH, NHS 2012)
  • Nursing practice and decision making
  • Leadership management and team working
  • Practice insight is provided [ through (external) speakers + you] to ensure the students gain experience/insight.
  • This is a reflective piece therefore ‘I’ is expected
  • Using Driscoll’s (2007) reflective model you will demonstrate critical understanding of an area of practice (Anti-Discriminatory Practice OR Risk OR Safeguarding).
  • This reflection must start by considering an alternative area of nursing and include contextualising the discussion into the student’s own field of nursing.
  • Apply Driscoll’s (2007) reflective model, give a brief overview of its structure and a brief justification of the importance of reflection, then follow the stages of the model.
  • You must declare your own field of nursing and select an alternate area of nursing.
  • B. Remember you need to apply the lessons learnt to your own field of nursing!

WHAT (returning to the situation)

(using Driscoll’s model)

(returning to the situation)
1. is the purpose of returning to this situation? 2. exactly occurred in your words?
3. did you see? did you do?
4. was your reaction?
5. did other people do? eg. colleague, patient,


  1. do you see as key aspects of this situation? What do you need to learn from this experience?

SO WHAT (understanding the context)

What were your feelings about the event?

How did you feel at the time?
Looking back, do you feel the same about it now?

What went well?

What do you think were the strengths of your practice? How might you build on this to improve in the future?

What didn’t go well?

Were there any aspects that you weren’t happy with? Why?
What do you think the consequences of alternative actions would have been?

How does this link to your professional practice?

What is the relevance of this experience in terms of your practice? How has this experience developed you as a professional?

What would you do differently in the future?

Would you behave differently in a similar event in the future? If so, how and why? If not, why not?

NOW WHAT (modifying future outcomes)

Now what are the implications for you, your colleagues, the patient etc.?

Now what might you do differently if faced with a similar situation again?

Now what information do you need to face a similar situation again?

Now what are your best ways of getting further information about the situation should it arise again?


  1. Provide a summary of the issues explored
    2. Remind the reader of the purpose of the essay
  2. Suggest an appropriate course of action in relation to the needs identified in the body of the essay

Key tips

  • Draw on specific instances of the events and describe these in detail.
  • Usually, you’ll be writing about challenges or difficulties that you faced when completing your work. Consider how these came about, how you dealt with them, and what you might do differently next time.
  • Connect the events of this experience with other knowledge you have learnt throughout your courses or your degree. Use academic theories or knowledge to explain, analyse and contextualise the causes and the development of those events.
  • Provide general overviews of your overall experience and describe if it has been a successful or fruitful learning experiences, or if it has been a challenging or demanding one.
  • Suggest ways to improve what you have learnt and how you have enhanced your ability to deal with the situations or issues as a result of the experience


What’s going on in there? How the brain and mind develop in the first five years of life.


you will write a short essays. short essay should be at least 400 words, and you should aim for at least 3 citations in each essay.

Short Essay Topics

An “A” paper effectively incorporates the readings/online discussion.  Please note your sources by referring to the article author and page number, or classmate’s name and date if mentioning something from online discussion.  Remember that for all paper topics, you must cite sources.  For all of these topics, it is not necessary to do outside reading for this assignment, but if you refer to anything that is not from class (whether it is a website or something in print), include that reference information in a bibliography.


Pretend that a philanthropist has donated $10,000 to the child care center that you own or direct, specifying that the funds must be used to improve children’s cognitive development.  Please be specific about the age(s) that your center serves.  Describe at least 3 ways that you would spend the money.  You can use the money directly on the center and/or to help the families that you serve.

Class texts include:

Eliot, L. (1999). What’s going on in there? How the brain and mind develop in the first five years of life. New York: Bantam. ISBN 0553378252.


What is the R-squared for the previous regression? Given this R-squared, would you say the line is a good fit for the data points?

Managerial Economics

Please read the questions carefully.


After coming up with an innovative idea for a new product, you paid $2000 to an industrial designer to draw the blueprints and found a factory in China that agreed to produce the product for you for $3.5 per unit (the price includes the shipping cost from China to you).

Since this is a totally new and unique product, you have no idea how the demand for it would be. Therefore, before you start pricing the product and ordering large amounts from the Chinese factory, you decide to run an experiment (or a pilot study): you talk to Target and they allow you to sell your product at 11 different Target stores for 11 different prices (a different price at each store). These stores are located in areas whose residents have similar average income, so you can be certain that price (and not income) is the only factor varying among these stores.

After 2 weeks, Target sends you the sale numbers for your product. (Find the data at the bottom of this file).

  1. On a graph (scatterplot), display the price-quantity pairs. (Use Excel.) (1pt)  Be careful what variable should be on the vertical axis and which one on the horizontal axis. (1pt)
  2. Using regression, find the demand line that is the best fit for the observed data points. (in other words, add a trend line to the graph you had in part (a)). (1pt)

    Write the demand function in the form of
    Q = a – bP          (1pt)

  3. What is the R-squared for the previous regression? (1pt)
    Given this R-squared, would you say the line is a good fit for the data points? (1pt)
  4. Given the demand equation found in part (b), what is the price elasticity of demand for your product at the price of $7.5? (1pt)

Does that mean your product is elastic or inelastic at that price? (1pt)
To increase your revenue, should you set the price above or below $7.5? (1pt)

  1. Given the information in the description part, how much are the total fixed cost (1pt) and the marginal cost (1pt) of production?
  2. Given the demand equation found in part (b), if you eventually decide to sell your product at $8 per unit for the first year, how many units do you expect to be sold (1pt) and how much will your revenue (1pt) and profits (1pt) be that year?
  3. Assume that your product is so unique that it doesn’t have any close substitutes. Which one best describes the market structure for your good? (competitive, monopoly, competitive fringe, oligopoly, monopolistic competition) (1pt)
  4. Let’s assume the market is a monopoly. Go back to part (b) where you used regression to find the best fit demand (or trend line). Add Marginal Revenue (MR) and Marginal Cost (MC) to the graph (1pt) and see what the profit maximizing quantity (1pt) and price (1pt) are in this scenario? (The numbers don’t need to be precise. Just use the graph and find the approximate price and quantity.)
  5. You forgot to file a patent, so after 2 years, many copycats make products that are somewhat (but not exactly) similar to yours. What kind of market structure would this be? (1pt)
  6. Now imagine another scenario in which your company has only 1 competitor. You and your competitor are both considering running TV ads to promote your own product. You estimate that you and your competitor profits will be as follows if you do or do not run the ads:
    Advertise Do not advertise
Your firm Advertise 1300, 1200 2700, 700
Do not advertise 900, 2000 2400, 1800

What is the Nash equilibrium of this game? (1pt)
If you and your competitor could talk on the phone (imagine it was legal to do so) to coordinate whether to advertise or not, what would the outcome be? (1pt)


Total Points: 21





Price    Quantity Demanded

4          406

5          379

6          355

7          322

8          306

9          283

10        257

11        236

12        205

13        176

14        149

Do the ethical problems of online communication outweigh its undisputed potentials?

Journal of Communication ISSN 0021-9916
Both Sides of the Story: Communication
Ethics in Mediatized Worlds
Tobias Eberwein1 & Colin Porlezza2
1 Institute for Comparative Media and Communication Studies, Austrian Academy of
Sciences/Aspen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt, 1010 Vienna, Austria
2 Institute of Mass Communication and Media Research, University of Zurich, 8050 Zurich, Switzerland
Current transformations in the media landscape are challenging contemporary communication
and media ethics in at least 2 ways. First, digitization of the media creates new
ethical problems that stimulate calls for a redefinition of the norms and values of public
communication. Second, new instruments of web-based media observation introduce
new possibilities for media (self-)regulation and accountability, thus complementing the
initiatives of traditional institutions like press councils. The article retraces those conflicting
developments by reference to 2 comparative studies, representing the diverging traditions
of conventional communication ethics and media accountability research. In bridging over
the conceptual gap between the 2 forms of research, the article develops new perspectives
for ethical reflection in the mediatized worlds of the digital age.
Keywords: Communication Ethics, Media Ethics, Media Self-Regulation, Media
Accountability, Journalism, Online Media, Digitization, Mediatization.
In a world that is mediatized to the core, communication ethics have a key function
in the process of evaluating and assessing human behavior. Everyday life is increasingly
influenced by various forms of media communication (Deuze, 2012), which
implies that ethical reflection is hardly possible without taking into consideration
the insights of contemporary communication ethics (Ess, 2011). However, the ongoing
media transformation also puts many basic ethical concepts to the test. While
a large part of the Internet-related scientific research literature has focused on the
specific potentials of web-based communication, such as its possibilities to pave the
way for new forms of participation (Singer, 2011), more transparency (Eide, 2014),
and a general democratization of professional journalism (Steensen, 2011), more and
more counterexamples suggest that the promising innovations of digitization are all
too frequently reversed. These examples include recurring problems with the quality
Corresponding author: Tobias Eberwein; e-mail:
328 Journal of Communication 66 (2016) 328–342 © 2016 International Communication Association
T. Eberwein & C. Porlezza Communication Ethics in Mediatized Worlds
of digital contents (lack of accuracy, hate speech, etc.), which—in many cases—are a
direct result of the hypertextuality,multimediality, and interactivity of online communication,
but also with copyright laws and their compensation, issues of data security
and data privacy, the general data explosion and the challenges of information overload,
as well as the uneven distribution of Internet access (Quinn, 2014).
This contradiction provokes numerous questions: Do the ethical problems of
online communication outweigh its undisputed potentials? How do both sides of this
discussion relate to each other?What does this mean for the future of communication
ethics? And what are possible consequences for the (self-)regulation of digitalmedia?
Questions like these are currently being discussed in the light of different analytical
concepts, among which the perspectives of traditional communication and media
ethics and the recent research about media accountability and media governance
stand out.
Traditional communication and media ethics are usually understood as a subdiscipline
of practical philosophy (Rath, 2003). Similar to other subdisciplines, such as
political ethics, business ethics, ethics ofmedicine, or ethics of technology, they focus
on human action as their object of analysis, striving to reflect and legitimize universal
rules of good and responsible behavior in their specific area of application. In the
case of communication and media ethics, this normative approach paves the way for a
definition of ideal values like truth, freedom, and solidarity as well as order and cohesion,
which are regarded as prerequisites for democratic media to fulfill their social
function (McQuail, 2013). In theWestern world, the development of ethical reflection
about the media has been strongly influenced by the tradition of (mostly U.S.-based)
journalism education that narrowly construed media ethics as individual ethics of
professional journalistic actors (Christians, 2000).However, broader concepts of contemporary
communication and media ethics also relate to other actor groups besides
the producers, for example, recipients or communities (Ward & Wasserman, 2010),
which become ever more important in the mediatized realities of today.
Unlike conventional media and communication ethics, research about media
accountability and media governance turns the spotlight from the ideal to the
practical level, thus adding an applied perspective to the tradition of philosophical
reasoning. Through investigating the performance of the different instruments and
institutions of media (self-)regulation (e.g., press councils, ombudspersons, media
journalism, but also media law etc.), the applied perspective evaluates whether and
how the ideals of responsiblemedia communication are realized under the conditions
of everyday life (Puppis, 2007). The inevitable conflicts between ideal norms and
media practice have been documented and discussed in a large scope of studies
(for an overview see Eberwein, Fengler, Lauk, & Leppik-Bork, 2011). The practical
relevance of these conflicts has been exemplified in the recurring attempts by scholars
in this field to act as consultants both for the media industry and media politics.
However, both traditional communication ethics and research about media
accountability and media governance seem to suffer, compared to other research
branches, from a lack of empirical studies, which has to date impeded their
Journal of Communication 66 (2016) 328–342 © 2016 International Communication Association 329
Communication Ethics in Mediatized Worlds T. Eberwein & C. Porlezza
connectivity to the mainstream of communication studies. Moreover, neither
the links nor the frictions between the two strands of research have been illuminated
and systematized.
Other research fields, such as management, economics, or medicine, have made
further progress in rethinking the dichotomy between research and applied ethics.
Eisenbeiss (2012, p. 791; see also Weaver & Klebe Trevino, 1994, or Donaldson
& Dunfee, 1994), for instance, analyzed business ethics with regard to leadership,
when she addressed “recent calls for more collaboration between normative and
empirical-descriptive inquiry of ethical phenomena by developing an interdisciplinary
integrative approach to ethical leadership.” She concluded that an integrative
approach, which combines normative and empirical ethical considerations, besides
offering new insights with regard to the significance of responsibility for ethical
leadership, represents a starting point for leadership education in terms of how to
deal with ethical dilemmas. Similar efforts can also be observed in bioethics, where
innovative research methodologies are used to shed light on new ethical issues,
which, in turn, leads to a greater understanding of ethics in practice (Frith, 2012,
205ff; see also Borry, Schotsmans, & Dierickx, 2005). The so-called empirical turn
from purely normative ethics to an approach that includes empirical research methods
has thrived in medicine as well (Salloch, Schildmann, & Vollmann, 2012), but
it has not yet occurred in the specific area of journalism and media studies. Even if
some media researchers such asNick Couldry support a neo-Aristotelian approach to
media ethics, which is “guided by the eminently practical insight that right behavior
cannot be identified in advance, abstracted fromthe often competing requirements of
specific contexts” (Couldry, 2012, p. 189; see also Couldry, Madianou, & Pinchevski,
2013), the empirical exploration remains limited.
Thefollowing sections of this essay are supposed to clarify the differences between
normative and empirical ethics as well as the interdependencies between the two with
regard to journalism. By searching for a superordinate concept that would connect
the diverging research traditions, they take the aim of “getting the discipline in communication
with itself” literally, in the hope that it may be useful to demonstrate the
relevance of normative approaches to communication and the media. The starting
point for the line of argument comprises two comparative studies, which were conducted
by the authors.They included qualitative interviews and a quantitative survey
among media practitioners in 12 European countries, as well as a content analysis of
relevant codes of ethics. The implications from these studies are sure to broaden the
comprehension of ethical reflection in communication and media research—which
is more important than ever in the network societies of the digital age.
Ethical challenges in the digital media world
Digitization has not only had a huge impact on the journalistic practice, but was also
a fundamental cultural transformation affecting the media industry (Boczkowski,
2005). Due to the process of convergence that facilitated the emergence of new
330 Journal of Communication 66 (2016) 328–342 © 2016 International Communication Association
T. Eberwein & C. Porlezza Communication Ethics in Mediatized Worlds
types of multi-, cross-, or transmedia storytelling, journalists had to adapt to the new
characteristics of the web and develop new skills and procedures (Pavlik, 2001).However,
these transformations were not limited to the “techniques” related to everyday
editorial practice, but required a new journalistic mindset. As new concepts, such as
networked journalism, challenge the central qualities of journalists’ role conception
in society, a fusion occurs between traditional news journalism and different forms of
participation by the audience (Beckett, 2010, p. 1).These changes lead to new ethical
challenges that transcend those that strictly refer to the journalistic practice and can
be best described by what Stephen Ward calls the “ethics of how to use new media”
(Ward, 2014, p. 51).
Ethical principles are built to last and journalism is no exception to this rule.
Such principles change slowly and only upon extensiveempirical evidence,which—as
Friend and Singer (2007) argue—leads to an inherent conservativism. This might be
helpful in the everyday practice of the journalistic profession, as these guiding principles
set a framework of rules, but they can become an issue if the whole system
is confronted with structural changes such as the impact of new and social media
on journalism. Moreover, professional journalists are no longer the sole authority to
define good practice, which allowed them to largely ignore calls for greater responsibility
and accountability (Hayes, Singer, & Ceppos, 2007). As virtually everyone
can become an information provider—being at the same time either or both a news
source and part of the public—journalists can no longer be regarded as the only
stronghold of credibility and trust when it comes to news production.
Overall, the digital age has radically changed both journalistic practice and
the journalism profession, and the ethical principles are essentially coupled to the
evolving dynamics within the newsrooms as well as the tools and technologies used
in the news production (Boczkowski, 2005).The dynamics confront news organizations
with new ethical problems, which have been unrecognized—and subsequently
ignored—in analog newsrooms. Hence, the medium—and the technology related
to it—matters, because it changes the way journalists interact and deal with the
public (Singer, 2010).This means that some principles will remain unaltered, others
have to be adapted, and some of the ethical decision-making in journalism has to
be developed from scratch. New principles have to take into account that different
actors, such as the public, now play an increasingly significant role, as audience
interaction becomes paramount in a network society.
A critical scrutiny of the performance of traditional institutions of media
self-regulation such as press councils shows that they have increasingly been forced
to deal with complaints about web issues in recent years. In order to analyze specifically
howtheWeb and newmedia technologies such as linking and online comments,
but also socialmedia like Facebook and Twitter, are affecting professional journalistic
norms, the authors carried out a content analysis of journalistic codes and guidelines
in 12 countries in Eastern and Western Europe (Austria, Estonia, Finland, France,
Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland, Romania, Spain, Switzerland, and the
United Kingdom).The aim of the project was to investigate to what extent the ethical
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problems of digital journalism are really accounted for and whether press and media
councils are in a position to act as competent judges responsible for ethical concerns
in a digital media world.
The analysis was systematized along the lines of two major ethical dimensions,
thus providing a coordinate system for contemporary communication ethics that can
also structure future analyses. First, we looked at the shift from gatekeeper ethics
to relationship ethics (Singer, 2010). Gatekeeper ethics largely focus on the journalists’
role to decide what is, or is not, going to be published. In this case, professional
norms such as ethical principles serve as a specificway to both articulate and safeguard
this gatekeeper role. Ethical principles, in this respect, become mainly an instrument
to cultivate an essential role in society—one of fundamental importance to democracy,
allowing citizens to be self-governing thanks to their information: “In short, the
underlying rationale for the ethics of the journalist in a traditional media universe
both stems from and depends upon this traditional role and the traditional view of
that journalist as central to the flow of information” (Singer, 2010, p. 119).
On the other hand, as the Internet changes the way journalists are perceived (more
as individuals) and interact with their publics as well as with one another, relationship
ethics has a variety of implications due to its emphasis on connections to colleagues,
communities, and publics. Being part of a network, the journalist has to develop his
reputation as a trustful information provider first because it allows the publics to participate
farmore actively inevery stage of the journalisticproductionprocess (Beckett,
2010, p. 1). Particularly if you are engaging in interactions—more importantly also for
collaborations—building trust is essential: “The answer lies in the function of the networked
professional journalist to act as a filter and facilitator and the potential power
of the citizen to hold them to account. […] In the end trust is secured by connectivity.
Interactivity leads to accountability through a new conceptualization of trust
based on the networked journalist as a reliable hub of connectivity” (Beckett, 2010,
p. 15). Both journalists working in a traditional news environment and those working
in a network rely on trust. However, in the case of traditional news organizations,
trust is largely based on the reputation the media outlet gained over decades—and
the ethical principles support this performance. “Trust us because we know what we
do,” according to Singer (2010), is a lot to ask, perhaps even too much if we take into
account the dwindling trust in themedia.Anetworkedmedia ecosystem, on the other
hand, requests journalists—be they bloggers or reportersworking in establishednews
firms—to establish a new connection with their publics in order to build trust, which
is, “generally, the ethical thing to do in a relationship” (Singer, 2010, p. 119).The same
applied to the second differentiation between monomedia and multimedia ethics that
have distinctive implications for journalists with regard to ethics for news gathering,
production, content, and relationship with the public (Ess, 2013; Pavlik, 2001).
The study showed that most of the prevalent journalistic codes of ethics in Europe
have not yet reached the Internet era. In themajority of cases, they do not—or only to
a limited extent—contain any references to ethical problems that result from the distinct
features of online communication.1 Exceptions can be found in the guidelines by
332 Journal of Communication 66 (2016) 328–342 © 2016 International Communication Association
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the Dutch Raad voor de Journalistiek (2010) or the Finnish Julkisen Sanan Neuvosto,
which include specific rules relating to the editorial handling of web archives, of corrections
in online media, or to the moderation of discussion forums on the Internet.
Particularly, the FinnishCouncil forMassMedia created a specific Annex to itsGuidelines
for Journalists, which concerns materials generated by the public on a website
(Julkisen SananNeuvosto, 2014).Most of the analyzed codes, however, do not pay any
attention to digitalmedia.
On the other hand, problem-centered interviews with international experts from
the fields of journalism, social media, and media self-regulation enabled us to verify
that transnationally similar amendments of ethical codes are actually being discussed
or prepared in various European countries—even though not in all of the possible
areas of conflict. While some press councils, for example the Swiss or German, still
concentrate their deliberation on areas such as online comments, sourcing, and transparency,
other institutions ofmedia self-regulation, like theDutch or the Finnish press
councils, have progressed to tackling complex issues such as social media and audience
However, the issue of journalism ethics cannot be assigned to institutions of
self-regulation such as press councils only. If news organizations want to invest in
quality management, they have to establish forums for debates as well. Audience
members are not alone in wearing many hats. Journalists can be editors, bloggers,
citizens commenting on social media, media critics, etc. Such conflicts can
become even worse if entrepreneurial journalists are launching start-ups, where
there might be additional clashes between commercial and editorial interests. These
overlapping roles demand clear guidelines. However, codifying ethical principles and
transforming them to abstract guidelines may be useful for the purpose of general
considerations. The more specific the guidelines, the more context-dependent they
can be, which makes them hard to apply in specific circumstances. In a networked
journalistic ecosystem, besides clear guidelines, in which news organizations define
general conditions of how they react to ethical issues, it is necessary that media
organizations foster the practices by which journalists connect with their publics.
Such forms of participation—and interaction—would not only embrace the wider
notion of relationship ethics, allowing citizens or the civil society to hold the news
media to account. An enhanced participation would also allow news outlets to get
immediate feedback on their performance and to know whether they are “on the
right track to satisfy the needs of their most important stakeholders, namely the
public who consumes their products” (Meier, 2011, p. 165).
Potentials for media accountability
While traditional communication and media ethics focus on the normative level
of how media actors should behave, research on media accountability and media
governance is related to the practical level. Scholarly research explores what impact
different institutions and practices of media (self-)regulation such as media law,
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ombudspersons, or media journalism, etc., have on the everyday routines of the
journalistic production process and how media organizations can be held to account
for the quality of their media performances (de Haan & Bardoel, 2011).
Claude-Jean Bertrand, who carried out one of the first comparative studies on
media accountability, defines the concept as “any non-State means of making media
responsible towards the public” (Bertrand, 2000, p. 108). A noteworthy aspect of the
concept of media accountability is that it transcends the previously dominant focus
on the media’s general responsibility toward society. Instead, it concentrates on the
media’s obligations toward their stakeholders and, specifically, their publics. According
to the studies of Hodges (1986, cited in McQuail, 2010), the difference between
responsibility and accountability is simple: “responsibility has to do with defining
proper conduct, accountability with compelling it” (for an overview of definitions see
Fengler, Eberwein, Leppik-Bork, Lönnendonker, & Pies, 2014a).
Media governance on the other hand is similar to the concept of media accountability,
but encompasses a stronger focus on governmental action—although it is
often described as “government without politics” or “governing beyond government”
(de Haan & Bardoel, 2011). Contrary to strict media regulation, media governance
involves a networked form of coordination that expresses the intention of a constrained
role of the state in the field of media policy, particularly with regard to press
freedom, journalistic independence, and actors of the private market (Donges, 2007;
Puppis, 2007).
Nevertheless,media accountability and media governance are not concepts based
on rigid structures.They must be seen as a process of different but interrelated practices
in a sequence that range from journalism education to quality management systems
during the production process through to specific practices of interaction with
the audience after the publication of the news.
Recently, the close relationship with the public has become one of themost important
aspects of media accountability, given that the Internet has increased the opportunities
for the public to get in touch with news organizations and journalists. What
is generally called responsiveness denotes the idea of receiving feedback from users
that expect news organizations to react to their concerns and wishes in reference to
the media’s performance (Bardoel & d’Haenens, 2004; Domingo & Heikkilä, 2012).
The interactivity and immediacy of theWeb 2.0 has further expanded the opportunities
for members of the audience to critically observe and criticize media content, for
instance, through blogs or citizen journalism. This can be particularly important in
media systems operating under tight political control. Furthermore, the online realm
potentially allows users also to take part in the actual news production by means of
user-generated content, allowing for new and innovative practices of editorial coproduction
such as participatory journalism.
While the online realm enhances the scope ofmedia critique, providing users with
a means to reinforce journalistic norms (Fengler, 2008), it also increases the number
of stakeholders the media have to deal with in terms of media accountability, generating
a complex framework of media accountability practices offline and online.
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This is of vital importance, as traditional institutions of media accountability such as
press councils or ombudsmen suffer fromdistrust and skepticism with regard to their
The failure of the traditional institutions of media accountability and media governance
is confirmed by the second study carried out by the authors (see also Fengler,
Eberwein,Mazzoleni, Porlezza,&Russ-Mohl, 2014b; Fengler et al., 2015), called “Media
Accountability and Transparency in Europe.”3 The quantitative survey of almost
1,800 journalists in 12 European and two Arab countries demonstrated that in the
eyes of professional communicators, traditional institutions of media self-regulation
(such as press councils, ombudspersons, or media journalism) regularly fail when it
comes to addressing the pitfalls of digital communication ethics.
At the same time, large numbers of innovative instruments of media accountability
(e.g.,media watchblogs, cyber-ombudsmen, ormedia criticism on social networks
like Facebook or Twitter) are currently emerging online all around the globe. By hinting
at and discussing minor and major journalistic flaws in public, these instruments
help create a novel kind of participatory media regulation which everymedia user can
contribute to, and which seems to be all the more attentive to the specific features
of digital communication. The survey also showed that the participatory potential
of online communication offers multifaceted new chances for quality management
within the newsrooms. Digital communication must be seen not only as a source
for new ethical problems, but also as a viable strategy to correct them, but only if
media managers are prone to implement such measures. Frequently there is still a
gap between the positive assessment of such practices and the implementation of
accountability practices within the newsrooms, and it thus seems that journalists do
not practice what they preach (Groenhart & Evers, 2014).
Of course, as effective the concept of participatory media regulation might be,
it is not free of controversies. The advent of the Web 2.0 has not only given rise to
an augmented interactivity between journalists and users, it has also brought along
new forms of incivility in communication such as threats, name-calling, hate speech
(Papacharissi, 2004), or trolling (Cho & Acquisti, 2013; Steele, 2013; Turner, 2010).
Incivility and trolling are widespread phenomena on the Internet and are not limited
towebsites of media outlets, but they occurwherever users interact and exchange their
views. Even if trolling may always exist up to a certain degree, news organizations have
different tools at hand to limit the dysfunctional impact of digital misbehavior: gamification,
moderation, or removing the anonymity of the posters can both limit the
impact of trolls and encourage constructive postings (Binns, 2012, p. 559). But even
if these tools bring more civility to the interactions between journalists and users,
they are by no means cure-alls. Such walled gardens may bring “more civil, cohesive,
and diverse discourse; yet, on the other hand, the lingering danger of designing
new systems that perpetuate old problems such as fragmentation, filter bubbles and
homogenization” (Zamith & Lewis, 2014, pp. 569ff).
Nevertheless, for all the problematic side-effects that an increased digital
interactivity entails, hindering participation means precluding accountability and
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responsiveness and shutting out an increasingly assertive public (de Haan & Bardoel,
2012). The potentials of the Web to foster accountability to the public are by no
means fully exploited by news organizations (Eberwein & Porlezza, 2014; Powell &
Jempson, 2014). But the online space is becoming increasingly important particularly
because of its immediacy, versatility, and capacity to reach a lot of users. Under
these circumstances it is very likely that news organizations will have to cope with
increasing pressure from the audience in terms of being held to account for their
A new notion of media and communication ethics
The empirical studies presented in this article illustrate two conflicting developments
of media and communication ethics in the mediatized worlds of the digital age.
On the one hand, they indicate that the digitization of the media creates new
ethical problems that are a direct result of the hypertextuality, multimediality, and
the increased interactivity of the Internet. Various examples can be seen in the
daily workflow of professional journalistic newsrooms, which still have to find new
quality standards for verifying online sources, providing adequate hyperlinks in their
coverage, handling user comments, or integrating other user-generated contents
such as mobile photos and videos—to name just a few of the fields of action that
are currently being discussed. Although the innovations of the digital age have
stimulated calls for a redefinition of the norms and values of public communication,
there still is considerable uncertainty about what constitutes good and responsible
online journalism—or which traditional norms may remain unaltered. Our analysis
demonstrates that—despite a few exemptions—most of the contemporary codes of
ethics throughout Europe and elsewhere have not yet been adapted to the realities
of a digital media world, hence offering hardly any assistance when it comes to
assessing the potentials and perils of online communication. By uncovering gaps in
the evaluated codes, our researchmay also serve as a practically relevant collection of
recommendations to suggest amendments to the current codes and guidelines—from
which not only journalists but also the audience will benefit.
On the other hand, our empirical studies also gather new impulses for the practice
of media (self-)regulation and accountability. Our comparative journalists survey
clearly demonstrates that the digitization of communication must not only be
regardedasadanger for ethically justifiedbehavior in journalismandthemedia; at the
same time, it can also be a generator for promising innovations in this field. In recent
years, there has been a stunning growth of new instruments of web-based media
observation (such as media watchblogs, cyber-ombudsmen, and media criticism on
or through platforms like Facebook and Twitter), which are not only supported by
the media industry, but also integrate the voice of the audience. This new type of
participatory media regulation seems to be particularly beneficial in the media landscape
of today, sincemany of the traditional institutions ofmedia self-regulation are a
336 Journal of Communication 66 (2016) 328–342 © 2016 International Communication Association
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matter of growing dispute within the profession as they are criticized for being ineffective
and outdated. By contrast, as our survey suggests, participatory media accountability
instruments can unfold a noteworthy sanction potential when they use the
possibilities of attention management offered by theWeb—particularly in those journalism
cultures without a long tradition ofmedia professionalism and self-regulation.
In many instances, social media are the one and only channel that audience members
can use to voice their discontent about the performance of journalistic actors (see
Bichler et al., 2012, for a collection of best practice examples). Therefore, participatory
media accountability instruments constitute a valuable complement to the initiatives
of traditional institutions, like press councils or ombudsmen, and by transforming
and extending journalistic quality management, adapting it to the requirements of
the digital age.
By addressing both sides of the story, we intend to develop a new notion of digital
media and communication ethics, which is no longer limited to traditional concepts
of professional norms and (self-)regulation, but is able to tackle and explain the implications
of digital and convergent communication. On the grounds of the systematic
disruption of journalismand the enormous changes in themedia (eco-)systemcaused
by the digitization of communication, the elaboration of a new digital media ethics
(Ess, 2013) becomes an inevitable necessity in a globalized and increasingly interconnected
However, the strands of research relevant for such an objective seem so far to
have failed to engage in a mutual discourse. Indeed, both traditional communication
ethics and research onmedia accountability andmedia governance focus on the
same objects of analysis, sometimes even posing similar research questions.However,
most of the studies in one field or the other have successfully ignored the findings
and traditions of their respective counterparts for a long time.This lamentable state
occurs, although reciprocal references would be all the more reasonable, since the
practical insights ofmedia accountability research are nothing but a natural follow-up
to the philosophical arguments of traditional communication ethics. The disciplines,
interlinked, would be able to clarify both their theoretical claims and their practical
utilities, which are often overlooked in discussions about the current transformations
of the media. Other than their lack of mutual integration, the reputation of communication
ethics and media accountability within the larger field of communication
studies seems to suffer from their ambivalent relationship to empirical research aswell
as the absence of a larger theoretical concept to explain their role in the mediatized
worlds of today. This is a deplorable condition, since a normative approach becomes
evermore important at present, in order tomake sense of themassive reconfigurations
of the global media landscape that are currently taking place.
The hostility of communication ethics toward empiricism is a problem that seems
to be characteristic of the struggle to clarify the aims and principles of practical
philosophy. Traditionally, ethics are supposed to evaluate decisions about the “ought”
of a certain action, which is usually done on the basis of logical thinking, in such a
way as to clarify which preferences can be normatively legitimized. Under ordinary
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circumstances, there is no need for empirical proof in this context. Nevertheless,
attempts to deduce normative principles from empirical evidence were criticized
as far back historically as the early 18th century (see Treatise of Human Nature by
Hume, 2005), and George Edward Moore described such an attempt to move from
“is” to “ought” as a “naturalistic fallacy” (Moore, 2002). Fromthe perspective of communication
and media ethics, this may suggest that a legitimization of professional
journalistic norms must be based not on the insights of empirical media research,
but rather on plausibility and reason.
Following the argumentation of Rath (2014, pp. 37ff), however, we contend that
contemporary communication and media ethics must not dispense with empirical
research either. Indeed, communication ethics needs empirical data as touchstone,
in order to test the practicability of its normative parameters in the real world. For
example, if communication ethics is expected to help develop rules and guidelines
for digital journalism, it needs reliable information about this field of action and
its protagonists, in order to be relevant for them and adequate to reality. This is
particularly valid if the field of action is in a state of change, as is the contemporary
media landscape. This type of understanding of communication ethics, naturally,
has methodological consequences. Scholars in this area of research cannot solely
rely on philosophical reasoning, but must also develop an appropriate interest
in and knowledge of empirical communication and media studies. Accordingly,
contemporary communication and media ethics metamorphose into an integrative
discipline, which combines its philosophical foundations with the practical orientation
of empirical media research. This combination bridges over the gap between
traditional communication ethics and applied research on media accountability and
media governance.
In order to improve its connectivity, however, this new approach to communication
andmedia ethics also needs a theoretical framework to clarify its place within the
broader system of communication studies. One of the most promising candidates for
sucha theory is offeredby the concept ofmediatization, as specifiedbyFriedrichKrotz
(2007) and others, which reconstructs the dynamics of change in culture and society
and the historically varying influences of (new) media on them. From the perspective
of communication and media ethics, which is struggling to cope with the current
transformations of the media, mediatization theory seems to be a valuable vehicle
which can help to differentiate the determining factors of this process of change, thus
alsooutlining thekeyfieldsofdiscourseof a futuredigitalmedia ethics.Unfortunately,
the normative dimensions of the mediatization approach have not yet been probed
into with due diligence (e.g., Ess, 2014)—and some of its proponents seem to oppose
the idea of paying attention to the subject as a moral agent altogether (e.g. Hjarvard,
2014). Consequently, many of the pressing questions with regard to the relationship
between communication ethics and mediatization theory are still unanswered. For
example, what are the most problematic forms of mediatized communicative actions,
communication technologies, and communication structures from a moral point of
view? How can we discuss responsibility for and resistance against these forms of
338 Journal of Communication 66 (2016) 328–342 © 2016 International Communication Association
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mediatization? Which normative principles can be made plausible in this context?
Evidently, the scholarly debate about communication ethics in the mediatized worlds
of the digital age has only just begun—and, considering the difficulties in assessing
the future direction of the ongoing media transformation, it is high time to move this
debate into the center of our discipline.
1 For example, the code of ethics (“Ehrenkodex”) of the Austrian Press Council contains no
references to the Internet at all ( In
Switzerland, the Directives related to the Declaration of the Duties and Rights of a
Journalist contain some rules with regard to online comments and the right to be forgotten
(, while the German Press council has just recently updated its code
of ethics (“Pressekodex”) with regard to user-generated content ( In
Italy, with the exception of the Charter of Treviso (,
where the protection of minors is regulated, the Ordine dei Giornalisti does not have any
directives for ethical issues in the case of digital journalism. However, this is no European
phenomenon:The Code of Ethics of the Society of Professional Journalists in the US makes
no references to digital journalism either (
2 Particularly the Finnish Annex that deals with material generated by the public on a media
website includes a statement about interactivity, since “the public must be given the
opportunity to inform editorial offices of inappropriate content in such a way that the
informant receives due confirmation” (Julkisen Sanan Neuvosto, 2014).
3 Further information about this study can also be found on the project website
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What would happen if we all decided that doing X is right instead?

Utilitarianism can be summed up by the following two claims:

  1. The right action in any situation is the one that produces the greatest balance of benefit over harm.
  2. Everybody counts equally.

Each of these components requires some explanation. First, what is meant by “benefit”? Different utilitarian philosophers have interpreted this term differently. Some have held that what is important is happiness. That is, we should maximize the total amount of happiness or pleasure for all concerned. Others have held that what is important is actual welfare or well-being. They argue that we should maximize the extent to which we actually help people (and minimize harm) regardless of whether or not that makes them happy. This distinction will not matter much for us in this course, but it is good to be aware that there are different interpretations of what it means to “benefit” somebody.

One thing that utilitarians generally agree on, however, is that they are concerned with all types of benefits, both short-term and long-term. So, utilitarianism asks us to consider all foreseeable benefits and harms that may result from our actions, not just ones that will result immediately. One final note about the notion of benefit: utilitarians are concerned not just with harms and benefits that are guaranteed, but also with harms and benefits that are possible or likely. When a benefit or harm is possible or likely, utilitarians tell us to include the degree of possibility in our calculations: a potential harm or benefit that is very unlikely counts for less than a potential harm or benefit that is very likely (though they must still be counted to some extent).

Second, what is the significance of the utilitarian’s claim that “everybody counts equally?” For one thing, this means that we are never justified in giving extra weight to our own preferences just because they are our own.  Nor are we justified in giving preferential treatment to the interests of family or friends; as far as moral decision making goes, strangers matter just as much. It also means, for example, that the interests of a poor man ought to count for just as much as the interests of a king.

This does not mean that utilitarianism demands that we all benefit the same amount from every decision. Sometimes, that won’t be possible. What’s important to utilitarians is that in making a decision, everyone’s interests are given equal consideration. Note further that utilitarians do not require that we maximize benefit to each person. What matters for utilitarians is the total amount of benefit or harm, when we “add up” the benefits and harms for each person. So an action that harms a few people in order to benefit a lot of people would likely be endorsed by utilitarians.

At this point it is imperative to point out that utilitarianism is often described as cost-benefit analysis (CBA).  However this is a serious misunderstanding of the theory.  Utilitarianism is not CBA, yet in this course, and many others, students consistently make this mistake.   CBA is an economic theory whereasutilitarianism is a moral theory.  The goal of CBA is cost-effectiveness while the goal for utilitarians is a morally justified outcome that benefits, and reduces harm for the greatest number of people in order to create a better society for all. The notion of utility must be defined, and everyone counts equally.  Confusing this moral theory with CBA is inaccurate and can be quite unfair to those who have developed it.

It is also important to note that there is disagreement among various utilitarian thinkers over the meaning of the term “everybody.” Does “everybody” mean “all humans”? Or, “all creatures capable of feeling pain”? (Peter Singer, author of the book Animal Liberation, is a famous modern-day utilitarian who holds roughly the latter view.) Most utiliarians take the term “everybody” to mean “all persons.”

Strengths & Weaknesses of Utilitarianism

The main intuitive strength of utilitarianism lies in its emphasis on equality. It seems right (to most people) that, when it comes to making moral decisions, all people ought to count equally. For a utilitarian, everybody counts equally: men and women, the young and the old, and people of different races, religions, or sexual orientation.

The primary weakness of utilitarianism lies in its single-minded emphasis on outcomes. This narrow focus, according to critics, neglects important considerations such as justice. For example, imagine a situation in which the police are having trouble catching a killer. Let us imagine that the police have reason to think that the killer has left the country, but that the public is so upset about this murder, and about the police’s failure to solve the crime, that the city is on the brink of civil unrest. If riots break out, there will be much destruction of property, and possibly loss of life. In such a situation, reasoning based solely on outcomes might suggest that the police would be justified in framing an innocent man for this crime. Providing they were sure they could do so successfully, “solving” the crime in this way might well bring peace to the city. But wouldn’t this be grossly unfair – unjust – to the man they framed? Worries such as this have led many moral theorists to the conclusion that while the net benefits of a course of action are important, they cannot be the whole story.

A further criticism of utilitarianism is that it seems to imply very burdensome obligations. For example, you’ve got a choice with what to do with the money in your savings account. You can save it for a rainy day, or you could give it all to a famine relief organization. If you save the money, you will benefit yourself. But if you gave it all to famine relief, you might actually save lives. The utility-maximizing thing to do would be to empty out your bank account and send the money to a charitable organization. And, according to a strict utilitarian, if you fail to do so you will have done something morally wrong. In fact, a strict utilitarian seems forced to say that owning any luxuries at all (television, computer, nice clothes and so on) is unethical, given that you could do more good by giving that money to charity. While most of us would agree that we could all do a little more to help those less fortunate, most people find it implausible that it could be morally obligatory to give away all non-essential goods. To most people, such an act would seem heroic; according to a utilitarian, it is mandatory.

A final worry about utilitarianism lies in its apparent insensitivity to special duties and particular obligations. For example, most people would intuitively think it right that we should pay more attention to the well-being of our family than to the well-being of strangers. Imagine a different version of the example from the previous paragraph. Now, the choice you will have is whether to save money for your children’s education, or instead send that same amount of money to relief organizations overseas. Sending your kids to university will of course benefit them, but not nearly as much as the same money would benefit starving people in another country. For utilitarians, the choice seems clear. Yet most people would say, again, that this asks too much of us.

A Further Complication: “Rule Utilitarianism”

In response to certain criticisms, some utilitarian philosophers have developed a special variety of utilitarianism called “Rule Utilitarianism.” Without going into too much philosophical detail, the basic idea is straightforward. Standard utilitarian thinking says that, in any situation, you should choose whatever action is going to maximize benefit for the group of people affected. Rule utilitarians say, “No way! You shouldn’t choose on a case-by-case basis like that! We should establish rules of thumb that will reliably maximize benefit for the group in the long run; then, in any situation, all you have to do is follow those rules.” In other words, while regular utilitarians ask you to choose actions that maximize utility, Rule Utilitarians ask you to follow RULES that, in the long run, will maximize utility.

A quick example may help. Imagine a situation in which you consider telling a lie to get out of a jam. A utilitarian might advise you to ask yourself, “Will telling a lie in this situation maximize benefit, taking everyone into consideration?” A rule utilitarian, on the other hand, is more likely to advise you to ask yourself, “Would a rule of thumb that advocated lying in situations such as this maximize benefit in the long run?”

Deontology: Theories of Duty

This group of moral theories assumes that right and wrong is a matter of doing one’s duty.  In this course we will look at two theories: the very famous theory provided by Kant and Ross’s theory of prima facie duty.

Kantian Theory

Another group of philosophers has said that in making moral decisions we should focus not on the consequences of our actions, but on whether or not we are doing our duty. The word “deontology” means roughly “a theory of duties.” The two most influential deontologicalmoral theories are those of Immanuel Kant and W.D. Ross.

Immanuel Kant (1724-1804) is one of the most influential philosophers of all time. His theory is considered the primary deontological theory in ethics and is typically the one that leads to the best arguments.  Kant argued that we should make moral decisions based upon what he called the “categorical imperative.” He was particularly opposed to utilitarianism because it did not seem to produce what he would consider ‘moral’ since the intent of the person acting was ignored.  The Categorical Imperative is the one, over-arching super-rule of ethics, for Kant. He gave us two different “versions” of the Categorical Imperative, which he thought were 2 different ways of expressing the same key idea.

The FIRST version of the Categorical Imperative says (roughly) that in any situation, we ought to act according to that principle which we could consistently translate into a moral law for all rational agents. And we should do so, according to Kant, regardless of the consequences of doing so. Kant, for example, thought that we have a duty to tell the truth, since nobody could consistently ask that lying become a universal law. After all, if it was permissible to tell lies all the time, no one could believe anyone. The vast majority of our interactions with each other assume that we are each telling the truth.  This is what makes a lie so noteworthy, and it also provides the liar with an advantage over others…if they can get away with it.  If everyone lied all the time, however, then there would be no advantage to lying,  since no one would believe anyone anyway.  Thus lying is morally wrong because it produces a logical contradiction. (Lying is an advantage and lying is not an advantage).  So, you can’t wish that everyone lied, without tying yourself in logical knots!

Some people interpret the first version of the Categorical Imperative as The Golden Rule where we’re told “Behave only as you would want others to behave, too.” That’s not a good way of understanding Kant, (in fact Kant was quite concerned that he’d be misunderstood this way) because morality is not about focusing on what WE would want.  We cannot put ourselves at the center of every moral issue and decide that whatever we want must be morally right.  That would be moral subjectivism.  What’s important, for Kant, is whether a given way of acting COULD be embraced by all of us, as a shared rule withoutproducing a logical contradiction.

But Kant’s disregard for consequences also means that he thought we should tell the truth regardless of the outcome of doing so. It’s not too difficult to think up examples of situations in which telling the truth could do a great deal of harm. For Kant, such harms are an acceptable consequence of doing one’s duty.

The details of Kant’s moral theory are complicated. We will focus on just a few key elements. Why did Kant say that we should act according to rules that could serve as a moral law for all rational agents? The reason is roughly that Kant wanted to emphasize the equal and inherent moral worth of all people due to their rationality.  Rationality is a capacity that adult humans share and does not have anything to do with intelligence, education etc.  It’s simply the ability to think rationally, if one so chooses.  Since the people around you have moral worth due to their rationality, they deserve to be treated with respect. Further, since you have this moral worth, you should act in a suitable manner – that is you should act like a responsible moral person, someone who is capable of figuring out what the right thing to do is and doing it. This notion of equal, inherent moral worth is one that continues to be influential in moral and political philosophy.

The SECOND version of the Categorical Imperative focuses more directly on this idea of the moral worth of all humans. According to the 2nd version, Kant says that in making ethical choices, you should always act in such a way that you are treating human beings as “ends” (i.e., as inherently valuable and worthy of respect), rather than as “mere means” (i.e., rather than as tools that you can use and manipulate for your own purposes.) The core idea, here, is respect. We should never treat other people as if they were mere instruments, mere tools to be used in getting the things we want.  The second version of Kant’s moral theory tells us that it is wrong to sacrifice one human for another, or to treat that person as less than ourselves.  Their rationality gives them inherent moral worth which is equal to yours, so there is no good reason to suggest that your needs, wants, desires etc count for more than anyone else’s.  Without good reason, then actions are unjustified and thus immoral.

Ross’s Prima Facie rules

The second deontological theory we will look at is presented by W.D. Ross, in his book The Right and the Good (1930). However, this is a challenging theory to apply as it provides no specific guidance and is easily challenged.  It’s good to know that Ross’s theory is another type of deontology, but it’s unlikely to provide convincing arguments in a course like business ethics which addresses very specific issues.

Unlike Mill or Kant, Ross held that there was no one moral principle that could cover every situation. Ross held that various kinds of situations, and various kinds of relationships, produced different kinds of obligations. He thus devised a list of what he called “prima facie obligations” or prima facie duties. The seven kinds of duties which Ross identified are: Fidelity, Reparation, Gratitude or Reciprocity, Beneficence, Nonmaleficence, Justice and Self-improvement. (A moral theory making use of several distinct moral principles like this is called a pluralistic moral theory.) The Latin term “prima facie” means roughly “arising at first sight.” This term is used here to signal Ross’s contention that in any particular situation, we may well be faced with more than one apparentobligation.

For example, imagine you have made a promise to have lunch with a friend. But on the way to lunch, you are the first to arrive at an accident scene, and you may be able to help. If you stop to help, you will have to miss lunch with your friend. In such a situation, according to Ross, you have a prima facie duty (of fidelity) to keep your promise to your friend. You also have a prima facie duty (of beneficence) to stop and help at the accident. In such a situation, Ross says that our actual duty will depend on the circumstances. How bad is the accident? Do you have medical training? How urgently did your friend need to see you? Ross says that there is no formula for balancing our various obligations in situations such as this: we must make what Ross calls an “all-things-considered judgment.”

Ross’s framework is attractive to some since it recognizes that a variety of different kinds of ethical reasons might apply in different situations. Sometimes, for example, it’s most important to create the most benefit, and sometimes it’s more important to focus on treating people with respect. However, the biggest problem for this theory is that Ross does not tell us how to balance these different ethical reasons in real life.  It’s therefore not clear how to put this theory into action, answer specific questions about what our duty is, and is easily refuted since there is no particularly compelling reason to privilege one duty over another.

One sees evidence of the influence of deontological ethics in modern talk of rights. Philosophers often talk in terms of a necessary connection between one person having a duty to do something, and other person having a related right. For example, if I have a right to enjoy my property, then you may be said to have a duty (or obligation) not to interfere with my enjoyment of my property. Similarly, if I have a duty to honour a promise I made to you, then you might be said to have a right to expect that I fulfill my promise.

Strengths and Weaknesses of Duty Theory

The main strength of duty theories is likely to be found in their tendency to prohibit absolutely certain kinds of apparent injustices. Only a duty-based theory can make sense of an absolute prohibition. And it does seem like certain actions (think up your own examples!) ought to be thought of as completely prohibited, as utterly immoral no matter what. (A utilitarian, on the other hand, can never forbid particular types of actions categorically. Whether a given action is right or wrong will, again, depend on the consequences.)

One common criticism of duty theory lies in the lack of a “decision procedure” or formula for resolving conflict between various duties. For example, Kant’s categorical imperative implies a duty not to lie as well as a duty not to hurt others. But sometimes it seems like we must lie in order to avoid harming someone.  Kant attempts to address this concern by elaborating on his concept of contradiction.  However, this is a much more significant problem for Ross since the various duties listed by Ross can easily come into conflict which makes this a very problematic theory to apply in the real world.

Other Types of Theories

Other moral theories do not provide clear answers on what is right or wrong, but rather attempt to offer a way to resolve specific problems, or focus on how we ought to live, rather than telling what we ought to do.  These theories can be useful in helping navigate questions about why we should honour contracts, or what sort of people we should be to live good lives, but they do not provide answers about what actions to take in specific cases.  However, as you become more familiar with ethical reasoning, it will become clearer how to incorporate these considerations into the problems of business ethics, although it’s unlikely they will give us answers to bigger questions on their own.

Social Contract Theory or “Contractarianism”

Contractarianism, or social contract theory, has come in many “flavours” over the past two centuries. Historical contractarians include Thomas Hobbes (1588–1679), David Hume (1711–1776) and Jean Jacques Rousseau (1712–1778); important modern day contractarians include the late John Rawls and Canada’s own David Gauthier. But the unifying starting point is that morality is, above all, a social phenomenon.

Social contract theorists ask us to consider what moral rules rational people would accept if they were setting up a society from scratch. That is, imagine for a moment that you lived in a world without rules. (Not just without government or law enforcement, but without rules altogether.) Such a world would likely be very nasty. (Or, as Hobbes famously wrote, life would be “solitary, poor, nasty, brutish and short.”) Now ask yourself, in order to escape such a nasty situation, what rules would rational folks agree to be bound by? That is, what would be the terms of the “contract” that people in such a situation would agree to? What should the “rules of the game” be? The social contract argument says roughly that if it would be rational to agree to a particular rule when devising a new society, then we should consider ourselves bound to follow that rule in our moral decision-making.

An important part of (most versions of) contract theory is a focus on reciprocity. That is, social contract theorists strongly believe that all moral obligations have to be reciprocal: they have to go in both directions. For example, if we were devising a new society, it would be reasonable for me to promise not to steal – so long as you promise the same thing. Contractarians ask, “what is a reasonable restriction on my behaviour, given how others are acting?”

Strengths and Weaknesses of Contractarianism

The main attraction of contractarianism lies in its emphasis upon consent. That is, contract theory bases moral obligation on what people can agree to. On such a conception, morality is not imposed upon us, but agreed to. Many have thought this an attractive vision of what ethics is about.

The main criticism of social contract theory is based upon the theory’s reliance on “hypothetical” consent. As real people in real situations, we might reasonably ask, “Why should I care what I would have agreed to in some other situation?”

Virtue Theory

Virtue theory has its historical roots in the work of the ancient Greek philosopher, Aristotle (384–322 BCE). Modern virtue theorists include Alasdair MacIntyre and Elizabeth Anscombe. Virtue theory is a way of looking at ethics that says that rather than focusing on rules and obligations, we ought instead to focus on the development of good character traits, or virtues. Among the virtues typically mentioned are courage, generosity, temperance, justice and truthfulness. For Aristotle, for example, the virtue of courage was to be found in avoiding being cowardly (a vice) and also avoiding being rash (also a vice).

Given their focus on personal characteristics, instead of asking “What should we do?” virtue theorists ask, “What sorts of people should we be?” For virtue theorists, actions themselves are only significant insofar as they demonstrate certain kinds of personality traits. Virtue theorists tell us that rather than thinking about what rules we should follow, we should think instead about what sort of person sets a good moral example. We should follow good moral examples when we see them, and we should strive to set a good moral example ourselves. In particular, the focus is not on the value of particular actions, but on whether – over the long run – we are displaying the appropriate kinds of character traits.

One reason many people find virtue theory appealing is that it seems to be consistent with how morality is experienced in life. That is, we often think not in terms of doing the right thing in any one circumstance, but of being – and striving to become – a good person. Further, virtue theory seems to accord well with the common intuition that actions sometimes matter less than the character of the people who perform them. When a bad person does something with good consequences, we seem justified in denying him praise.

The main criticism of virtue theory, perhaps, is that it is hard to say much about what kind of person one is without reference to the kinds of actions she performs or the kinds of rules she follows. What is it about an individual that makes her deserve being called “truthful?” One obvious answer is that she is truthful if she always follows the rule, “Tell the truth.” How do we tell whether a person is brave? By checking to see whether she commits brave acts. This casts doubt on the merit of a focus on virtues that is divorced from the notion of good actions.

Module Summary

We have now reviewed the basic details of a number of moral theories, namely deontological or duty ethics, utilitarianism, social contract theory, and virtue theory. In this course, we will not take a position on which of these theories is the most defensible, or the best suited to issues in business ethics. Each of these theories constitutes a sophisticated attempt to arrive at a general account of how we should live our moral lives.

The approach we will take in this course is to think of these various moral theories as tools. These theories provide a set of concepts, and a range of arguments that we can use to discuss issues in business ethics. What we will likely find is that for some kinds of issues, it will seem to make sense to reason like a utilitarian. A corporate executive, for example, might make good use of utilitarian reasoning in deciding which of two factories should be closed. It might be argued that, other things being equal, it makes the most sense for her choose whichever course of action will cause the least suffering – that is, close the factory that employs the fewest people. For other issues, a focus on duties and rights will seem more plausible. For instance, an office manager might consider searching every employee’s desk in hopes of finding out who has been stealing office supplies. This might be the most efficient way to solve the problem – it would maximize benefit – but it would also be a breach of the workers’ right to privacy.

In yet other cases, we may want to focus on the need to develop certain kinds of virtues, as when a corporate executive decides on a course of action based upon the example she knows she will be setting for her employees.Thus for any moral problem we discuss, we now have a toolbox consisting of various kinds of arguments that we can apply. We must exercise caution in using this toolbox, however. Each of these moral theories was conceived of as a stand-alone option that in important ways denies that the others are correct. Kant, for example, explicitly denies that consequences matter, so we can’t be both a Kantian and a utilitarian. There is thus something fishy about being a utilitarian one day and a deontologist the next. We can, however, reasonably claim to use both “utilitarian arguments” and “contractarian arguments” (for example). But we do a disservice to the devoted proponents of those theories if we allow ourselves to think that we are actually following the theories.

A further cautionary note: in taking advantage of the availability of all four of these theories, we may be tempted to choose which theory to use based on what conclusion we want to reach. Think, for example, of the problem faced by a sales manager whose most important customer refuses to deal with female sales reps. He has the choice of keeping his female reps off this account, and thus harming their careers, or allowing female reps an equal chance at this account, and risk losing a key customer. If I already believe that discrimination is inherently morally evil, then I may be tempted to appeal only to rights-based theories, and will be tempted to say that the manager should not cave in regardless of the consequences. (This might be the right course of action, but as students of moral philosophy we should never simply assume so.) We must therefore be careful not to use moral theories, and the sophisticated arguments they provide, simply to back up our existing beliefs.

Moral Relativism

Some people find the idea of a moral theory difficult to understand. A theory is supposed to be something that applies to everyone. But doesn’t each of us have different ideas of wrong and right? Questions like this often lead people to a position called “moral relativism.” Moral relativism is the doctrine that moral truth or value is relative to the beliefs of some individual or group. Effectively, the view is that something is right for me but not be for you and we can just agree to disagree.  That’s a nice sentiment but not very defensible.  If I think stealing your wallet is ok because I need the money, and you disagree with me, surely we want to say more than let’s agree to disagree.  This seems to miss the point about ethics and ethical actions.

Relativism comes in two types. The most common sort is cultural relativism, which is the doctrine that morality is relative to the beliefs or practices of particular cultural groups. The second, more extreme form of relativism is known as “subjectivism.” Subjectivism is the doctrine that morality is relative to the beliefs of the individual.

While an extended examination of moral relativism is beyond the scope of this course, the frequency with which some version or another of this doctrine pops up suggests that it warrants at least a brief mention. First, let us deal very briefly with subjectivism. Very few people, if any, actually believe that right and wrong is relative to the individual. In fact, our everyday moral practices imply that we do all believe in at least some shared values. For example, it is only because we have shared moral beliefs that we bother blaming people when we think they’ve done something wrong. We only blame people for their actions when we think those actions have failed to live up to some shared standard. What about cultural relativism? A thorough examination of the merits of cultural relativism is, again, beyond the scope of this course.

For our purposes, it will be sufficient to point out two things. First, there does seem to be a remarkable degree of agreement, even among members of very different cultures, as to the basic principles of morality. All cultures put restrictions on lying. All cultures see justice as a good thing. Different peoples may differ in how they apply those principles, or in the relative weight assigned to them, but they honour them none the less suggesting that they are not, in fact, relative at all.

Second, from the point of view of moral philosophy, the fact that “my culture believes doing X is morally wrong” is never sufficient reason to believe that doing X is wrong. As philosophers, we always want to ask questions like, “Why do we think doing X wrong?” “How do we know that doing X is wrong?” “What would happen if we all decided that doing X is right instead?”



Who, other than the companies that profit from hooking people on this addictive but nonessential product, could find fault with a move to protect the nation’s children from potential harm?


                                       Editorial on Trump cravenly backtracks on vaping.

Faced with a troubling outbreak of a mysterious vaping-related illness and the skyrocketing use of electronic cigarettes among teens, President Trump announced in September that the Food and Drug Administration would pull flavored electronic-cigarettes from the market, possibly within weeks.

“People are dying,” the president said during a televised news conference with the heads of the FDA and the Department of Health and Human Services. He promised quick action, and he was right to do so. At that point, six people had died from the new illness, and hundreds more had been hospitalized with severe lung damage. An alarming number of the victims were young adults or teens who said they used vaping devices for both cannabis and nicotine. Since then, 44 people have died, and more than 2,000 people have been sickened.

Trump’s plan, reportedly urged by his wife and eldest daughter, was a good one (and a rare smart move on public health policy from an administration better known for dismantling environmental protections). Never mind that it wasn’t a perfect answer to the current crisis. Even then, the vaping illness was suspected to be primarily caused by use of black-market vaping devices modified for cannabis or THC and containing vitamin E oil. (Health officials are now pretty sure that’s what’s causing the illness.)

But a ban on flavored electronic cigarettes is still good public health policy. Vaping use among minors has grown precipitously in recent years — doubling in just the last two years to about a quarter of all high school seniors, studies show. The trend is primarily driven by an attraction to flavors like candy and fruit. Nearly 80% of teens who vape said they did so because of the flavors. And even if they aren’t using the aftermarket products associated with the vaping illness, the high levels of nicotine in electronic cigarettes hook users quickly, and nicotine use presents its own health risks.


inRead invented by Teads

There was also solid precedent for the move Trump proposed. In 2009, the FDA prohibited the makers of traditional cigarettes from using flavors other than menthol because of their appeal to kids. Public health officials say the ban on flavors was a main factor in teens losing interest in cigarette smoking, which fell to an all-time low in 2018.

It seemed possible that Trump’s ban would go into effect. Vaping isn’t the political third rail that guns are, and it’s not as complicated, controversial or fraught as, say, immigration or Middle East policy. Who, other than the companies that profit from hooking people on this addictive but nonessential product, could find fault with a move to protect the nation’s children from potential harm?

We should have known better.

According to the Washington Post, the FDA was set to announce on Nov. 5 that it would order flavored electronic cigarettes to be banned for sale within 30 days. But the day before the announcement, reports said, Trump decided not to sign the “decision memo” out of concern that it might lead to job losses that could be used against him during his reelection campaign.

This is just another example of Trump’s tendency to say one thing and then do another. Such was the case when Trump said he would support sensible gun control (such as closing loopholes on background checks) after a particularly bad run of mass shootings, but then flip-flopped after strong words from the National Rifle Assn. Or when the president said his administration would stop separating families at the border and continued to do it anyway. Or when he abandoned a highly touted proposal to reduce drug prices by blocking a practice that benefits drug-buying insurance middlemen. We could do this all day.

It seems the country is led by a man so concerned with hanging on to his job that he would throw over an entire generation of children in the process.

It’s not too late for Trump to come to his senses and sign the order that would direct the FDA to ban electronic cigarette flavors immediately — before he could change his mind again. But we won’t hold our breath.



What changes in customer needs & wants and/or changes in environment it has faced; and how it has evolved and adapted to stay relevant?


December 2019

Research on the evolution of the brand Coca-cola



Section Page
Executive Summary  
Section One :  
Section Two :  


Section Three :  
Section Four :  
Section Five  
Appendix, Reference  


Executive Summary



This report examines the evolution of the Coca-cola over the different key stages of its brand development over time

Brand Building and Management


Here is the questions for the assignment

Choose a large established brand and, using a range of relevant tools, frameworks and/or theories explain the evolution of that brand over time, including:

  • A critical assessment of the brand’s health at key stages of development.
  • What changes in customer needs & wants and/or changes in environment it has faced; and how it has evolved and adapted to stay relevant? In the second section of the report you should cover the following areas, considering a strategic viewpoint:
  • Outline, using relevant branding concepts, theories and/or frameworks, and justify how the brand should evolve in the future.
  • Consider the potential for partnerships or other collaborations. Critically assess the recommended targets.
  • Recommend metrics, tools and techniques that the organisation should consider using to evaluate the health of the brand and develop maximum brand value in the future.

You must critically research and apply in your coursework relevant academic theory and sources, course concepts and frameworks and industry material, fully referenced using the Harvard system.

PART B: A 3,500 word individual report (70% of overall grade)

Choose a large established brand and, using a range of relevant tools, frameworks and/or theories explain the evolution of that brand over time, including:

  • A critical assessment of the brand’s health at key stages of development.

Brand equity Is the “added value” with which a brand endows a product; this added vaiue can be viewed from the perspective of the firm, the trade, or the consumer. The author’s focus is on how to buiid strong brands with the consumer, how to sustain that brand equily over time, and how to expand and protect a business by ieveraging brand equity.








Qualitative research

Brand Leadership summary – David A.Aaker & Erich



In April 1985 Coca-cola presented one of the classic marketing mistakes where it replaced its forerunner coca cola brand with a new formula. The main drive was competitiveness against “Pepsi- Cola’s “Pepsi Challenge”. At the time coke was threatened to be taken over the cola market. As in 1982 Coca cola introduced diet coke which it caused to lose its market share. Coca cola felt it had to take drastic action therefore initially starting to advertise and in store blind taste testing between Coca-Cola and Pepsi-Cola starting in their home town texas which Pepsi won these tests. With these results Coca-cola’s strategy was to reformulate the recipe to sweeter taste similar to Pepsi. They called it “The New Coke” which has completely backfired and taken negatively by the public.However within three month the company re introduced the original coke and rebranded it as “Coca- cola Classic” and join the “New Coke”in the marketplace. This experience taught Coca-Cola a valuable lesson about branding.

For instance building brand loyalty which is able to achieve positive impact.

  • It could marketing cost as loyal customers wont need, sales promotion wouldnt be needed
  • Barriers to entry for new competition
  • Better leverage within the trade






Market Research

The April 23rd 1985 launch of New coke is still seen as one of the biggest failures in the world of marketing. Despite winning several blind taste tests, public outcry meant that New coke was eventually replaced with the old formula, labelled as Coca-Cola classic.

Two things went wrong.

  1. There was a flaw in the market research taste tests as it was assumed that taste was the deciding factor in consumer purchase behaviour. Consumers were not told that only one product would be marketed so were not asked if they would give up the original formula for New coke.
  2. No one realised the symbolic value and emotional involvement people had with the original coke.

Relevant variable that would affect the problem solution were not included in the research.

  1. Identify the opportunity – Is it something that fits within an existing category or is it a new product category?
  2. Explore the solution – engage in primary research using surreys focus groups, in depth one-on-one interviews.

T- Technological. New technology may be employed in packaging design of containers.

L- Legal. Coca Cola look at packaging from a recycling point of view as this appears to consumers who are concerned about waste.

In 1985 the Coca Cola company decided to terminate is most popular soft drink and replace it with a formula it would market as New coke. Before coca-cola launched New coke they had invested us $4,000,000 in market research and undertook 200,000 blind taste tests. Blind taste tests and focus groups were the basis of the launch of New coke in 1985.


Quantitative – subjective and often open ended. Eg. Interviews with customers or focus groups which result in a wide range of answers based on personal experiences and feelings. Coca-Cola use focus groups and interviews when carrying out their 5 stage process.


Example of the process:

Coca-Cola use research to find out what customers want and how happy they are with products that are on offer. Primary research methods help with determining if products need improving in different ways eg. taste, aesthetics.

Secondary research can be used to back up a theory and results of primary research. Market research helps to reduce risk in the decision making process and measures progress over time.

O – Opportunities are events and developments external to an organisation, Coca Cola could look for new territories for its products.

T – Threats are developments external to the organisation, which could damage overall performance. They could be to do with new products of competitors like Pepsi for Coca Cola or government policy that affects costs such as an increase in corporation tax.

Once key issues have been identified with the SWOT analysis, they feed into the marketing objectives.

PESTLE Analysis

Types of Data

E- Economic. Are there any constraints that might affect marketing a new product. In a recession would customers have enough disposable income to keep buying their product.

S- Social. Coca Cola ask people for their opinion for example when finding a name for a new drink.

Coca Cola 5 Stage Process

Data and information that has been collected before by the organisation itself or by another organisation.

Eg. Coca Cola can use data from external agencies such as:

  • Commercial market research organisations
  • Government statistics departments
  • Competitors company reports & websites
  • Trade publications
  • The general media such as the financial times, the guardian and the economist

Quantitative – numbers and figures that can be analysed mathematically and/or presented graphically. Eg. sales figures, market values, customer preference questions. The customer preference questions would be used by Coca-Cola if they were trying to determine colour of new packaging for example.

Uses of data

Testing of Coca-Cola Vanilla for England.

  • Taste testing to come up with the right flavour formulation that British consumers would enjoy.
  • Focus groups to determine preffered packaging design.
  • Test marketing to find out the potential for favourable product sales.

This examines the relationship between a business and its matching environment.

S- Strengths are the internal features of an organisation, which provide a competitive advantage. In Coca Cola this would be its highly effective manufacturing process.

W- Weaknesses are internal aspects of the organisation which are not as good as the competition as are not performing effectively. Coca Cola would have a weakness if staff have not been trained effectively an systems and procedures.

Market Research – Coca Cola

E – Environmental Coca Cola looks at packaging from a recycling point of view as their appeals to consumers who are concerned about waste.

Pepsi Co. Advertising Mistakes

  • Packaging redesign January 2009
  • Intended to modernize image
  • Unit sales dropped by 20%
  • After just one month, returned to original design
  • In 2010 Gatorade relaunched as “G”
  • Logo awareness dropped from 82% to 34%
  • The company has stuck by the redesign
  • In the early 90s, Pepsi believed they had the next big thing: Clear soda
  • Named Pepsi Crystal, the soda was caffeine free and marketed as a healthier option
  • However, the drink was really only 20 calories less than regular Pepsi
  • Initially, customers bought the product but sales quickly dropped as there were not enough repeat customers
  • After a year Pepsi pulled the plug
  • In the 60’s, Pepsi had a successful campaign “Come Alive With Pepsi”
  • However, when the campaign was taken to China it hurt sales considerably
  • When translated the phrase read: “Pepsi brings your ancestors back from the dead”
  • In the early 90’s, Pepsi devised a campaign in an attempt to beat Coca-Cola sales in the Philippines
  • The campaign was a giveaway of 1 million pesos for the winning specially marked bottle cap
  • Pepsi sales increased by 40%
  • However, the company had sold about 800,000 caps marked 349 and this number was not to be the winner
  • A mistake in announcing the winning number named 349 as a winning number
  • When Pepsi was not able to deliver on their promises of prize money, riots ensued and they reported about 32 Pepsi trucks as burned, stoned, or overturned by the people of Manila
  • While the company had only budgeted about $2 million for the campaign, they ended up having to spend $10 million for a goodwill gesture as well as facing thousands of lawsuits


Expanding to China

Image by Tom Mooring



  • What changes in customer needs & wants and/or changes in environment it has faced; and how it has evolved
    and adapted to stay relevant?

  • In the second section of the report you should cover the following areas, considering a strategic viewpoint:


  • Outline, using relevant branding concepts, theories and/or frameworks, and justify how the brand should evolve in the future.


  • Consider the potential for partnerships or other collaborations. Critically assess the recommended targets.


  • Recommend metrics, tools and techniques that the organisation should consider using to evaluate the health
    of the brand and develop maximum brand value in the future.
  • Think about the assisgnment– what are the current associates , use it to critical evaluate ,
  • Demonstrate here is what the brand is today here it is what I want to be

Finally you are trying to achieve is Resonance iechoicinga football team

Look at Kellersthree – do you feel excited to use it

Sense of community 0 Nike

Active of engagment- Nike

  • You must critically research and apply in your coursework relevant academic theory and sources, course concepts and frameworks and industry material, fully referenced using the Harvard system.

Points to follow- Reading widely is good – from reading list and then beyond reading

Reading list

Books – Brands and brand management in Strategic Brand Managment : building, measuring and managing brand equity

Principles of Marketing

  • Book


  • by Philip T. Kotler


  • 2017


Product and Services Management

  • Book


  • by Paulina Papastathopoulou; George J. Avlonitis


  • 2006


  • Recommended


Business-to-Business Brand Management

  • Book


  • by Mark S. Glynn; Arch G. Woodside


  • 2009


  • Book
  • Authors

Kevin Lane Keller

  • Published date


  • Publisher

Pearson Education Limited

  • Pub place


  • Edition

Global ed of 4th revised ed

  • ISBN





Using some of the core models from the course is also good

What is bibliography? How to use it


REMEMBER Use models that relate to Brand building model


Think carefully about using non branding models – are they really needed?


Use critical analysis wherever relevant


  • Pros and cons
  • Counter arguments
  • Risks/Mitigations
  • Basis for conclusion

ole tips for critical assessments


Justify things in level 6 instead of only inserting things

don’t go too far on the narrative i.e. history of company using  500 words devotes words for explanation and critical analyses


Consider evidence base for brand associations – esp historical associations

i.e. brand they say they are premium but you can see they are doing lots of promotion

apple associates what apple stood for – secondary literature is imp maybe there is an academic research , or report. Try to get evidence how people felt of the brand



Ensure you are using models that you understand and use it appropriately

You can use models that don’t work and explain how it doesn’t work and this other model instead to make it work

i.e. Atkinson 2018 – took a picture on phone Brand Heath – Different Brand Statuses but it doesn’t show whether the brand has good brand health it can only tell what you can do to focus on possible solutions


Consider competitors where relevant – i.e. pepsi and Coca cola

It can support critical assessment – if your brand didn’t do something other brand did and worked for them

You can say competitors responded to trends better than your brand did  – it can be direct or wider scope

Can develop future development areas

  • g. can support critical assessment
  • g. can support future development ideas

Remember this is brand building strategy not a business strategy module


Propose specific solutions and be don’t be afraid o creativity


What are the strategies used by Teachers and Teaching assistants, with children who have dyslexia in UK primary schools.

  • Dyslexia Still Matters


  • Dyslexia and Literacy Difficulties: Policy and Practice Review. A consensus call for action: why, what and how?


  • Effective Interventions for Struggling Readers(Second edition, 2019)


  • Working to deliver a better special education service




  • Impact






What are the features of an effective Key Performance Indicator (KPI)?

Financial and Resource Management MAN4FRM
Assignment 1 support document
The following is to support you in your submission for the above module, it should be used in conjunction with the module learning materials and information/guidance from the Module Tutor team.
Submission date and time: Thursday 12 December, 10.00 a.m. UK time
Reflective Questions
Below are some questions to help you consider what is required for the assignment. They are intended to prompt your preparation and planning of your assignment submission.
Please note, this is NOT a definitive list; you need to ensure that you are clear on the requirements of the task then apply the relevant aspects of your learning, reading and experience to complete it.
The following questions are always worth considering, as they help you understand the audience for and purpose of the task:
•What is your role in this scenario?
•Who are you writing to and why?
•What does the task require you to produce or create?
The following questions are related to your specific assignment brief:
Task 1
1)What presentational software will you use for your presentation?
2)What are the features of an effective slide presentation?
3)What is sustainability, and how can it be measured?
4)What are the features of an effective Key Performance Indicator (KPI)?
5)How does the use of KPIs lead to improvement in organisations?
6)What KPIs would be effective in this scenario and why?
7)What images could you use to make your presentation more visually appealing?Remember you must reference images appropriately.
Task 2
1)What are the features of an effective essay?
2)What is management accounting?
3)What are the benefits of effective management accounting?
4)How can management accounting help managers achieve their goals?
5)How can the managers at MAN4FRM use management accounting to help themachieve their goals?
Writing at Level 4
What is expected at Level 4
Overall approach
Writing at Level 4 requires you to show you understand your learning and can present and interpret your findings appropriately.
What the marker wants to see
Understanding of the key learning. You can describe and explain your learning accurately.
Evidence of information from sources outside of the VLE resources.
Application of your learning to the scenario or case study in your assignment.
Evidence of interpretation (see below).
Evidence of interpretation
Interpretation is the way you show your understanding of the information you have presented in your assignment.
Interpretation means that you use your learning to answer questions, solve problems and make decisions, based on your scenario or case study.
Support available
UCEM e-Library
For help with independent research and finding additional source materials
Email for support
Study Skills
VLE area
For help developing your academic skills and further advice on how to carry out analysis and critical thinking.
Assessment Handbook in the Student Hub
For information about the different expectations at different levels of study.
The ‘Glossary of Assessment Terms’. has definitions of key assessment terms that explain what is required from the tasks in your assessment.
Academic Support Tutor
Each module has an Academic Support Tutor who you can contact via email and the Study Support Forum