
Would you be more willing to find out if the genetic condition was Yes  curable or early diagnosis improved the outcome?

Attitudes to Publicly Available Genetic Information

Please fill out this questionnaire prior to reading the leaflet provided.

2) What is your role at the university? Student

Student (Course):


Other (Please Specify):

3) Have you heard of any genetic testing companies, such as 23andMe or Yes
4) Do you have any reservations about using these products?


5) Have you ever used 23andMe or or any other genetic testing company?

i.      Are you aware of any of the services provided by these companies?





6) If you answered yes to question 5:

i.              Which company did you use?


ii.            Were you aware of other gene testing services other than the one you used? 23andMe/

Other (please specify):



Yes  /  No

7) If you answered no to question 5:

i.     Have you ever heard of these genetic testing companies?

ii. Have you ever considered/ thought about using them?


▫ Would you ever use them?

▫ If yes, what you would use these tests for?







8) Do you believe this form of testing should be available on the NHS for everyone to have access to? No
  • Would you want to find out if you were at increased risk of developing No certain genetic conditions? (e.g. T2DM, Huntington’s Disease, Breast


  1. Would you be more willing to find out if the genetic condition was Yes  curable or early diagnosis improved the outcome?


  • To what extent do you think it is important that you are presented with information about your genetic risk? (1 = unimportant, 10 = vitally important)


1      2      3     4     (5)     6     7     8     9     10

11) If you found out you were at increased risk of a genetic condition, would you go to a medical professional to have your results explained?


12) Are you aware of any of the implications genetic testing can have on your family?


13) Would you discuss the potential implications of undergoing such testing with your family prior to taking part?

i.      If you have undergone DTC testing already which provided you with medical information relevant to other family members, did you discuss this with them?





14) Are you aware of how these companies use your Personal Information/ data (i.e. name, email, street address, genetic information)?


To some extent
15) Are you aware that these companies use your data for research purposes?


16) Would you be happy for your genetic information to be used for research purposes?




17) Are you aware that once your data has been used for research, you may not be able to withdraw your genetic information?


18) Were you aware that your genetic information can be used by the police?


19) Would you be happy for your genetic information to be used to aid police investigations?


20) Are you aware of other ways in which these companies use your data? Please add additional information regarding the ways in which these companies may use your data that you are aware of.




21) How well do you think you would be able to understand your results? (1 = not at all, 10 = fully)


1      2      3     (4)     5     6     7     8     9     10



 What contributes to the success you have when it comes to family engagement?

Hi, please make sure all my comments in red. You can use some of the information that you used  for the data analysis paper.  Happy holidays.

Thank you.

 a10-page paper using the Evidence Informed Process (EIP) Model,to include:

Introduction: Describe district (location, demographics, populations served, size of school, vision, mission, district goals, etc.)  Hi, the district that I want you to describe is Sunnyvale School District (please this teacher is very familiar with this district and knows very well, so please make sure you are as accurate as you can be.)

Design Context:  Choose a problem of practice that is already identified in your school/district’s LCAP.  Recall that the EIP Model is based on identification of a problem that the client system wants to resolve.  I am focusing on goal number 4th specifically parents’ engagement.  ( Goal 4 Increase and deepen opportunities for family education. )   page 151 LCAP goal 2018-2019. Page 151-161_

 State and/or Local Priorities addressed by this goal:

State Priorities:

Priority 2: State Standards (Conditions of Learning)      

 Priority 3: Parental Involvement (Engagement)     ( I am focusing parental involvement)    

 Priority 4: Pupil Achievement (Pupil Outcomes)       

 Priority 5: Pupil Engagement (Engagement)       

 Priority 8: Other Pupil Outcomes (Pupil Outcomes)

Question: Create of an answerable question related to the problem and engage the interest of the system (if possible, interview principal, cabinet, etc. to further explore the problem and possible solutions).

What contributes to the success you have when it comes to family engagement?

What did you do to promote the high levels of parent involvement you currently have in your school?  What challenges do you face as the principle in attempting to increase parent involvement?

What resources, supports, expertise did you used to get the success you have with family/parents engagement? ( those are the questions that I want to ask the principle )

Assessment: How do you know it’s a problem?  What data exists (surveys, interviews, reports, etc.)? How does it affect teaching and learning?  What impact does this problem have on the school environment? Why does this matter to the school community (students, parents, administrators, board, etc.)? What strengths exist within school community to address this issue? ( Data Source:  California Healthy Kids Survey . Please make sur you add percentage of the data and so on)

Evidence:  What does the research say about this issue?  What best practices already exist to address this problem?  What does the research say about best practices? with the specific populations served at your site?  MY SITE IS ELEMENTARY SCHOOL  ( kindergarten through 5th grade)

What is your Theory of Action that will guide your interventions?   Based on what you have learned, what intervention (s) do you suggest? Provide an evidence-based rationale for your intervention. What other stakeholders might need to be engaged in the process?  Intervention will be Motivation interviewing, at Sunnyvale school  district they use motivation intervention within the class room, at SARB (School Attendance Review Boards)  meetings, SST (Student Study Team ), IEP individualized education program)  meetings, social worker within the school use the Motivation interviewing assessments, check ins meeting with parents )

What is the difference between a strategy and an operational plan?

How does a customer influence an operation strategy?

In today’s business, it is not all about responding to the campaign of a competitor. Customer purchasing decisions influence the organizations’ external factors such as flexibility in switching costs, digitization and service delivery. Customers are the ones to determine behavior more than the price and quality. Generally, customers are the determining factor of almost every operation in an enterprise; they are the ones to dictate what they want, when and how that product or service should be delivered.

What is the difference between a strategy and an operational plan?

In every organization’s business plan, the strategy outlines the mission statement, vision, and goals to be achieved for the next two to five years. Further, it takes into consideration how the organization will measure the major projects and those goals on how to meet them while the operational plan is an outline of the department’s short term goal  that is  normally projected to occur within the upcoming year.


What ethical theory should they have used and how would this have changed what HP did?

)rojects & Papers

Case Study

Students should read and analyze the Hewlett Packard case. Students must prepare o paper analyzing the issues The paper SHOULD NOT be a lengthy summary of the case but an analysis of what occurred and why At a minimum, the students should cover the following

■ Identify the problems facing HP’s board of directors

b Identify and discuss the critical turning points in the case at which Patricia Dunn was required to make a decision. What were her options at each point? Did she take the correct action(s) (why or why not)?

L If you disagree with Dunn’■ course of action. detail what you would have done and what ethical theory you would have used.

c Discuss the actions taken by HP’s chairman, legal department, and investigators to find the source of the unauthorized disclosures ethically justifiable, or not?

  1. What ethical theory dal they use

2_ What ethical theory should they have used and how would this have changed what HP did?
If you were Mark Hurd, as of September 2006, what actions would you take now?

Students should use the case and text as well as other sources (books, journal articles, eta in order to wnte the paper Students should not rely on webntes or encyclopedias (including online encyclopedias like Wikipecha ) for references (use peer reviewed sources) The paper should be 5 to 8 typed pages (double spaced, 1 Inch margins, times roman 12 point font) and have reference page – although this page is not counted in the required length You may use MLA or APA formatting Papers will be graded based on the following general guideline’ proper grammar, language. and writing style, originality and development of ideas, ■nalysts of the content and critical thinking; organization. and depth of research/use of literature The paper will account for 25% of your overall grade and is due by the date indicated on the syllabus. Papers should be uploaded to blackboard on the due date (no hard copy papers).

Some additional information

– This is a short paper, so there is no need for an abstract or table of contents

– Should be in APA or MLA

– Should use peer-reviewed sources

– Directly quoted material should be held to a minimum. You should only directly quote when the onginal author’s exact words are important Otherwise, summarize their thoughts in your own wards and make sure use an in text citation

PLAGIARISM: Using or copying another’s wransn work without proper citations will result in an zero for this assignment grade,

The end of each paper must include the following section

CERTIFICATION OF AUTHORSHIP: !certify that 1 am the author of this paper and that any assistance received is acknowledged and disclosed in the paper I have also cited any sources from which fused data, ideas, or words, either quoted directly or paraphrased I also certify that this paper was prepared specifically for this course and has not been used for another course either in whole or substantial part


NAM,’ a WI Date

Discuss the effects of specific hallucinogenic drugs on the brain, how it reacts, how/why people get addicted, and what happens during withdrawals.

discuss the effects of specific hallucinogenic drugs on the brain, how it reacts, how/why people get addicted, and what happens during withdrawals.

Does the right to respect for family life in Article 8 include the right to not have a family?




  • Dickson v United Kingdom (2008) 46 EHRR 41
  • Evans v United Kingdom (2008) 46 EHRR 34
  • Paton v United Kingdom (1981) 3 EHRR 408
  • H v Norway  (1992) ECHR

Book chapters and Journal articles

  • Rosemary Hunter, Clare McGlynn and Erika Rackley (eds), Feminist Judgments: From Theory to Practice (Hart Publishing, 2010), ch 4
  • Nicolette Priaulx, ‘Rethinking progenitive conflict: why reproductive autonomy matters’ (2008) 16 Med L Rev 169
  • Mary Ford, ‘Evans v United Kingdom: what implications for the jurisprudence of pregnancy’ (2008) 8 HRL Rev 171
  • Rosy Thornton, ‘European Court of Human Rights: consent to IVF treatment’ (2008) 6 IJCL 317
  • Marleen Eijkholt, ‘The right to procreate is not aborted’ (2008) 16 Med L Rev 284
  • A. Moreham, ‘The right to respect for private life in the European Convention on Human Rights: a re-examination’ (2008) 1 EHRL Rev 44
  • Case Comment, ‘Prisoners’ rights: prisoner and wife seeking artificial insemination – right to found a family’ (2008) 2 EHRL Rev 282
  • Case Comment, ‘In vitro fertilisation – consent of both parties – withdrawal of consent’ (2007) 4 EHRL Rev 457
  • Lorenzo Zucca, ‘Evans v United Kingdom: frozen embryos and conflicting rights’ (2007) 11 Edin L Rev 446


Essay help: – This should be discussed in order to critically assess the essay

Preparing for and answering these questions should make it easier for you to engage with the essay title on this topic.

  • Does the right to respect for family life in Article 8 include the right to have a biological family?  Even if the reason preventing this relates to the imprisonment of one of the intended parents?  Does it make any difference whether the prisoner is the intended mother or father?  If the prisoner had had a learning disability?  If the prisoner had been seeking to adopt rather than conceive?
  • Does the right to respect for family life in Article 8 include the right to not have a family?  Compare Evans and Paton.


  • Do these cases suggest there could be a right to procreate in Article 8? Why or why not?




  • Do these cases approach these issues from an inherently gendered perspective?


In Evans the law did not consider the position of infertile women, but instead adopts a male approach to the issue – as it focuses more on whether the male partner would like to be a parent with her. A man in this situation would simply freeze his sperm and they would not be required to freeze their embryo – so therefore the man would remain in control of their reproductive future

There would not be another party involved in the decision making

This would negatively impact women who are faced with the same position




  • Would adopting a feminist perspective make a difference here?


Baroness Harris Short in her feminist judgement of the Evans suggest that  if it was the last possible chance for the women to have her own genetically related children – this should override the necessity for consent of both parents, and the fact that you need consent would consist as a disappropriate  interference with article 8 (1) rights.



Human Rights essay 2 (2000 words)

Critically assess whether Article 8 ECHR supports the right to procreate.


Your answer should demonstrate a breadth of reading and engagement with the above cases, as well as those which you encounter during your independent research.


Read the points below and above question to aid in writing the essay

  • Focused on a few judgements – there are many more and should be used
  • How to approach? Look at diff elements – what does the right to procreate mean? Or the right not to? Are they part of the same thing? Do they give positive obligations or negative obligation?
  • Critical and comparative analysis – is the best way to go
  • Address all points and compare and be critical about them
  • Address competing issues
  • There are interconnected rights to other ones e.g art2 – and bring it back to the question



What if my entire life, my entire conscious life, simply was not the real thing?

Hum 205

The Death of Ivan Ilyich

Tolstoy who is the writer of the book “The Death of Ivan IIyich” did an amazing job portraying the human existence as a conflict between the inner and the outer; the spiritual life and the physical life in both the false and genuine life, and everything becomes vanity and a pursuit after the wind. Leo Tolstoy depicted Ivan as being shallow and thoughtless in his “agreeable, easy, and correct” life. Ivan blindly adopts the beliefs and values of an aristocratic society and exhibit a behavior to their rules. As Ivan accustoms himself to propriety, he grows increasingly intolerant to everything that threatens his own comfort and material well-being. He places a high standard on his official duty and does not allow his personal life mix together with his official duty while in his private life he adopts a deterrent attitude towards his family. Also, he exhibits a fear of death as he questioned the need to die when everything to him is done right he later accept the reality of death according to Tolstoy when he realized he had not lived a life he ought to have lived. Ivan’s illness reveals to him the true nature of life.

Moreover for the longer time of his life, Ivan beliefs that he is a good human; he does not absolutely show any indication of any spiritual life in his physical being. How is one to make sense of the end of one’s life, of one’s relationships, projects, and dreams, of one’s very existence; Tolstoy makes clear that preparation for death begins with a proper attitude toward life for death is inevitable for everyone. Ivan lives for the good of his own flesh and relates only with those who promote his desires. Ivan supposes that his existence is the right one, and he rejects to see the mistake of his life. As a consequence of denying the spiritual life, Ivan is not capable of outdoing the physical life. As he holds on to the belief; he experiences agonizing pain, real fear and overwhelming discontent.

To start with, the agonizing pain that Ivan went through was because he refused to see that death is inevitable to all not even the ones that claimed to have lived a good and pleasant life. The avoidance of death that characterizes Ivan’s social life is based on a delusion designed to protect people from unpleasant realities. It leads only to emptiness, horror, and dissatisfaction. An acceptance of death, however and recognition of the true unpredictable nature of life allows for confidence, peace, and even joy at the moment of death. However, when the view of his death compels Ivan to deal with his isolation, he steadily begins to realize the importance of the spiritual life. It is then he moves past suffering, overcomes death and experiences intense joy.

Also fear got the most of Ivan this is not to say that death is given trivial shift in the story. Indeed, one could say that no more vivid, harrowing, and moving account of dying has ever been written. One is not spared any of the physical and emotional traumas of a wasting illness: a floating kidney, according to the doctors, the story warns against putting too much faith in the medical profession. No amount of medication and sedation could heal Ivan; the effects of the medicines were just for a while. Here is Tolstoy the realist with his matchless eye for physical and psychological detail: the wife’s bad breath, the bowel movements, the numerous but futile tricks with which Ivan tries to convince himself that he is getting better, but most of all the pain, incessant and remorseless. Ivan screams for three days before his death.


All through his illness, Ivan snapped back and forth between accepting and denying his imminent death as well as accepting and denying that he has not lived realistically. Unfortunately, those around him his wife, doctors, and friends, flee in the face of death. They do not accept Ivan’s inevitable end, and they encourage his denial. Ivan begins to see his own so call genuineness, and he can see it clearly in others: “Nothing did so much to poison the last days of Ivan’s life as this falseness in himself and those around him” (Tolstoy 105). Only the servant Gerasim, and later Ivan’s son Vasya, openly and honestly accept Ivan’s fatal condition. Gerasim and Ivan’s son are able to give the dying man love and through experiencing this, he realizes that love is what he must give back. As a result of Gerasim’s devotion, Ivan Ilych becomes capable of extending compassion to his wife and son.

In reflecting on his situation, it finally occurs to Ivan that his life, as he had lived it, might not have been the best possible kind of life. “What if my entire life, my entire conscious life,    simply was not the real thing?” (Tolstoy 126)

Ivan’s wife and daughter appear to him as part of the life he had led, which was simply not the real thing. In them he saw himself, all he had lived by so clearly that all this was not the real thing but a dreadful, enormous deception that shut out both life and death. A man like Ivan, who during his life had no real contact with his closest relatives and was so alienated from nature that he could place no trust in it, had to experience his separateness in full measure. This same loneliness made him while dying want to weep. Ivan Ilyich is callously treated after his death because that was the attitude which he showed others. It is not until his last days that he is forced to think about his life with an urgency which colors every conscious minute due to the proximity of death. It is within this context that Ivan ascertains that he most definitely did not live his life as he should have and gets the sensation one sometimes experiences in a railway carriage when one thinks one is going backwards while one is really going forwards and suddenly becomes aware of the real direction.

It was love that Ivan Ilyich experienced after the realization of his guilt and the purification of his soul, and it was this love that enabled him to face death without fear. His pity for his family was part of his new relation to people – free of egotism and selfishness. Ivan painful experience is over; his dead face does not express any pity for those who survive him, but a reproach and a warning.

Nevertheless, Tolstoy incorporates several patterns of reversal into the structure of the novel. The actual death of Ivan Ilych, the chronological end of the story, occurs in the first chapter. The remainder of the novel is devoted not to Ivan and apos; s death as the title seems to indicate, but to his life.

Finally, Tolstoy reverses the very concepts of life and death. During his early life, when Ivan seems to be growing in strength, freedom, and status, he is actually being reduced to darkness, bondage and isolation. An interesting if not readily apparent motif is the contraction of time and space. The contraction is an important factor in the theme of the inner life versus the outer life because it highlights the significance of the spiritual and reinforces the notion that life is not limited to the time between birth and death.

Tolstoy accomplishes this effect in several ways. The first four chapters of the novel covers more than forty years, the second four chapters span several months, and the final four chapters span only slightly more than four weeks



Works Cited 4 May 2018.

Lev Nikolayevieh, Tolstoy. The Death of Ivan llyich. Pennsylvania state university: Jim Manis, 1998-2013. eBook collection (EBSCOhost). Web. 01 October. 2016.

Vannatta, Dennis. “The Death of Ivan Ilyich: Overview.” Reference Guide to Short Fiction, edited by

Content analysis: What will you be observing? Will you be counting words? Length of time something is happening?

Research Methods: Final Project

Think of this as a 3 page long take home final exam essay question.

Overview: The goal of this exercise is for you to demonstrate your ability to carry out a research project using the Deductive scientific method. You will propose a research project in its entirety, but will not collect or analyze any data. The proposal will be completed in a level of detail such that any person could pick up your proposal, follow your design and implement the study with no additional information. You will choose ONE of the following data collection techniques-Observation, Content analysis; Survey. You only need to propose a study using One type of data collection. Ignore all instructions that do not pertain to your chosen method.

The entire goal is to show off how much you have learned. Even if you feel like you are stating the obvious in any section of the assignment, state it. State it using vocabulary you learned in this class. Show off all your research methods knowledge!

Step 1: Topic selection. Write a paragraph stating your research question and why it is worth researching. (You may not use a topic that you used on a previous assignment!) You will need to select a topic which is sociological in nature and that will be examined deductively. Propose a project that you could carry out in a reasonable amount of time with minimal resources. The goal is not for you to be high-brow and complicated with this. The goal is to show you learned something this semester. So simple topics similar to what I have used in class are appropriate (advising at WKU; Student attendance at athletic events…)

  1. Observation method: I highly suggest proposing observing a behavior that could be observed on WKU’s campus. Such as: Student interaction at DSU; Student/employee interaction at DSU. Student behavior in a classroom…..
  2. Content analysis method: I highly suggest proposing analysis of some readily available content. Such as songs, music videos, movies, titles of bestselling novels. In this way you can easily set a sampling frame as there are “lists” of these items on the internet. (I.e. New York Times Best seller list; Billboard Top 100 songs of 2017…)
  3. Survey research method: Same as above, something you know about in terms of WKU student life would be appropriate. Don’t try to be fancy or complicated.

Step 2: State your hypothesis. Remember that the hypothesis statement is a formal statement of how your dependent variable is related to your independent variable in the social setting you have chosen to observe.

Step 3: Describe your dependent variable and its formal operationalization. This step involves choosing a level of measurement and specifically defining your variables in a measurable way.

  1. Observation method: Explicitly describe the observational cues you will use for categorizing people’s behavior. Basically you will either count how many times (or how long) a person does something, or you will categorize their behavior. If you categorize, your operationalization should be focused on defining differences between categories. If you count, your operationalization is focused on defining exactly when the behavior you are counting begins and ends.
  2. Content analysis: What will you be observing? Will you be counting words? Length of time something is happening?
  3. Survey Research method: How will you measure your concepts.

Step 4: Describe your independent variable and its formal operationalization.

  1. Observation method: Same as above, but for independent variable.
  2. Content analysis: Same as above, but for independent variable.
  3. Survey Research method: Same as above, but fore independent variable

Step 5: Plan your sampling protocol. The goal of this section is for you to show me what you have learned about sampling this semester. You must be very specific and you must accurately use the vocabulary learned in our chapter on sampling. For example, don’t state “I am going select a sample.” Describe exactly in detail how you are going to “use a random number generator to select a simple random sample”…. (or whatever technique you use, describe in detail) Use vocabulary such as “population” “sampling frame” “unit of analysis”

  1. Observation method: Explicitly define in writing when (what time of day) and where you will collect your data and who your sample will be. Your sampling protocol is very important as it enables other researchers to replicate your results.
  2. Content analysis method: Clearly state your sampling frame. Provide documentation of how this sampling frame is going to be created, or if it exists as a list somewhere, indicate where that list can be found (such as a web address). Then, describe how you will select your sample from the frame. Make sure your unit of analysis is clear.
  3. Survey method: Assume that you have the resources/access to respondents you desire in order to distribute your surveys according to your sampling frame –as long as it is in-line with the ethical practices you learned throughout the semester. Use all appropriate concepts and vocabulary around sampling.

Step 6: Create your data collection instrument. In this section, you will not only present your instrument, but you must discuss it. This means explain to me how your instrument measures your independent and dependent variable. You must discuss how your instrument will address reliability and validity.

  1. Observation Method: Create recording sheets. After your plan is ready, create recording sheets for structured observations
  2. Content analysis: Same as Observation sheets.
  3. Survey method: Create your survey here. Write at least 5 closed ended survey questions and 3 open ended questions that will measure your concepts. Be exactingly clear as to how each question measures a concept. Make sure you follow all the guidelines for writing “good” questions. Be sure that you specifically link each question to the measurement of an Independent or dependent variable.

Step 7: Ethics implications. Briefly explain any ethical considerations that need to be made in regards to your proposed research. Note: The answer here will never be “there are no ethical considerations.” Even if there are no considerations, you must explain, in terms of ethics language, why there is no concern. State the obvious—what are we usually concerned about with ethics and then explain why you don’t have that concern with your project.


General guidelines

This paper should be double spaced, 12 point font, one inch margins. You may use the 7 steps as headers for your document. But the document should be written in paragraph form using complete sentences and proper grammar/mechanics. You may use indentations, single spacing etc., as needed for clarity. You may use the first person pronoun “I” when referring to the steps you will take.  While this assignment does not ask you to incorporate outside sources, but always be sure to properly cite anytime you use anyone else’s ideas or words. When citing, please use ASA or APA format.





Paper Rubric:

Area Score Quality Criteria
Step 1, Topic selection

2.5 points

___ Very good

___ Good

___ Average

___ Needs improvement


Introduction to the project

Statement of purpose of research

Why do we care about this question?


Step 2,3,4

5 points


___ Very good

___ Good

___ Average

___ Needs improvement


Introduction/transition sentence

Hypotheses match research question(s)

-Written in hypothesis form


– Each variable is explained (conceptualization, if necessary, operationalization, measurement


Step 5 Sampling

5 points

___ Very good

___ Good

___ Average

___ Needs improvement


Discussion of sample

Why choices were made explained

Settings of your research, the dates and times of day

Sampling procedure

Sample size


Step 6 Instrument

5 points

Very good

___ Good

___ Average

___ Needs improvement


Clear. Well constructed.

Validity and reliability are clearly addressed.

Step 7 Ethics

5 Points


___ Very good

___ Good

___ Average

___ Needs improvement


Uses vocabulary of ethics. Indicates at least 2 general ethical concerns in research and how the proposed research avoids those ethical concerns.

2.5 points

___ Very good

___ Good

___ Average

___ Needs improvement


Proper English, subject-verb agreement


Few typos

Sentence variety, tense

Correct punctuation

Sentences starting with numbers are spelled out


25 points


Demonstrate a critical awareness of the complex nature of international trade, its main actors, the legal frameworks and institutions and their major issues; 

Strategic Marketing Review

This assignment is designed to assess learning outcomes:

This assignment is designed to assess learning outcomes:

  1. Demonstrate a critical awareness of the complex nature of international trade, its main actors, the legal frameworks and institutions and their major issues;
  2. Critically analyse and evaluate the trade exchanges at both quantitative and qualitative level;
  3. Demonstrate detailed knowledge of the main trade, investment and promotion tools;
  4. Demonstrate understanding and capability to elaborate an articulated export strategy for an international company, comprehensive of all the main phases and with discussion of its critical issues;

Using key topics from this module, develop an export strategy for an exporter in a developing country (NOT- Brazil, Russia, India, China or South Africa) of your choice for entry into the European market. Please choose a specific country in Europe that the product or products will be exported to. Also ensure that this firm is not already exporting this product(s) to that European country.



Write a Board Paper asking the board of directors of the chosen exporter to adopt and implement your proposed export strategy. Your Board Paper should include an analysis of the proposed strategy taking into account the following issues:

International trade theory: Why and how firms engage in international trade

Approaches used by firms to adhere/avoid/bypass instruments of trade protection or to benefit from trade promotion and investment tools (at national, regional and global levels)

  • Types of export-related strategies
  • Accessing market opportunities: entry strategy, cross-border collaboration and risk analysis
  • Logistics, modes of transport and information technology
  • Incorporating ethical issues in strategic decision-making

Your analysis and recommendations should also consider the benefits and potential barriers to successful implementation of the future strategy. This should be followed by a step by step implementation plan.

Assignment Guidelines



You have been asked to produce a report.  It should contain the following:

  • Appropriate coversheet (as attached in this document – please ensure appropriate coversheet is attached to your assessment brief)
  • Title Page, including the given title in full.
  • Contents Page

Board paper Structure



Date of Paper: DD/MM/YYYY

Title of Paper: Give a suitable title for your board paper

For End of Module Assessment


Brief Synopsis of the Issue

This section is similar to an abstract or executive summary. What are the key points of the assignment that the board of directors need to know?


Background Information

Research on the Assessment Topic


Implementation of Recommendations

List of References

Appendix (if any)


Your work should be word processed in accordance with the following:

  • Font style, Arial, font size 12
  • 1.5 line spacing.
  • The page orientation should be ‘portrait’
  • Margins on both sides of the page should be no less than 2.5 cm
  • Pages should be numbered
  • Your name [should/should not – delete as required] appear on the script.
  • Your student number should be included on every page.


Date of Paper: DD/MM/YYYY

Title of Paper: Give a suitable title for your board paper (Mango imported from Pakistan to the UK

For End of Module Assessment


Brief Synopsis of the Issue

This section is similar to an abstract or Executive summary. What are the key points of the assignment that the board of directors need to know?

What import

UK market

Why export this product (200 words)





3: One sentence long (75-100 words) (DON’T JUSTIFY IT: WILL BE JUSTIFIED IN THE PAPER)

3 doing things/

Direct or letter of credit






Background Information (500)













Research on the Assessment Topic (500)








Analysis (500)







Implementation of Recommendations: (500 )










List of References

Appendix (if any)


Evaluate the importance of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) for the organisation

Assessment code:
Academic Year:
Module Title:
Business Environment
Module Code:
Module Leader:
Dele Amusan
Word Limit:
2500 (+/-10%) Words
This excludes bibliography and other items listed in rule 6.75 of the Academic Regulations:
Assessed Learning Outcomes
L03: Identify the financial and ICT issues for key business functions.
L04: Appraise and recognise use of corporate governance and ethics within a business context.
Submission Deadline:
This assignment must be received by no later than 14:00 on Friday, 13 December 2019
• This assignment must be completed individually.
• You must use the Harvard referencing system.
• Your work must indicate the number of words you have used. Written assignments must not exceed the specified maximum number of words. When a written assignment is marked, the excessive use of words beyond the word limit is reflected in the academic judgement of the piece of work which results in a lower mark being awarded for the piece of work (regulation 6.74).
• Assignment submissions are to be made anonymously. Do not write your name anywhere on your work.
• Write your student ID number at the top of every page.
• Where the assignment comprises more than one task, all tasks must be submitted in a single document.
• You must number all pages.
In order to achieve full marks, you must submit your work before the deadline. Work that is submitted late – up to five working days after the published submission deadline – will be accepted and marked. However, the element of the module’s assessment to which the work contributes will be capped with a maximum mark of 40%.
Work cannot be submitted if the period of 5 working days after the deadline has passed (unless there is an approved extension). Failure to submit within the relevant period will mean that you have failed the assessment.
Requests for short-term extensions will only be considered in the case of illness or other cause considered valid by the iCentre Adviser. Please contact A request must normally be received and agreed by the iCentre Adviser in writing at least 24 hours prior to the deadline. See rules 6.56-6.65:
Mitigation: The deadline for submission of mitigation in relation to this assignment is no later than five working days after the submission date of this work. Please contact
See rules 6.103 – 6.132:
This is a 2,500-word assessment and it consists of two Tasks.
You are required to write a report of 1250 words for each of the two tasks.
Each task is 50% of the total marks for this coursework.
Therefore, you must attempt both tasks.
TASK 1 (1250 Words):
“Creativity concerns the use of imaginative thought, leading to new ways of seeing things and may result in innovative solutions to a problem or the initiation of a change. Technology is often used in the process of creativity and creating”. Kelly, P. & Ashwin, A. (2013).
1. Assess the impacts of innovation and technology and how it has affected the sales, profits and growth of one of the following companies. (45 marks)
a. Royal Mail PLC
b. Lloyds Bank PLC
c. Glencore PLC
d. Kainos PLC e. Avast PLC
2. Presentation, referencing and grammar (5 marks)
Total (50 marks)
• Knowledge and understanding of technological innovation.
• Understanding of the relationships between innovation and economic development.
• Abilities to appreciate the role of technological change in economic progress.
• Identify the financial and ICT issues for key business functions.
1. Demonstrate your understanding of innovation, and the role of technological change in economic progress.
2. A brief overview of your chosen company, and practical illustrations of how innovation has impacted the sales, profits and growth of your chosen company.
1. Morrison, J. (2017) The Global Business Environment, (4th edition), Palgrave.
2. Needle, D. (2015) Business in Context, An Introduction to Business and Its Environment, (6th edition), Cengage Learning.
3. Boddy. D. (2016) Management An Introduction, (7th edition), Pearson Press.
4. Please visit the web site of your chosen company for its annual report and other necessary information.
In addition to the recommended textbooks and the website of your chosen organisation, you are expected to read other textbooks and journals for your research.
TASK 2 (1250 Words):
“Corporate governance involves a set of relationships between a company’s management, its board, its shareholders and other stakeholders. Corporate governance also provides the structure through which the objectives of the company are set, and the means of achieving those objectives and monitoring performance are determined” OECD (2004)
Corporate social responsibility (CSR) can be defined as where a business attempts to meet certain ethical, legal and commercial expectations as set by society. As a business goal, corporate social responsibility has grown in importance over recent years. Using the same organisation chosen for Task 1: 3. Evaluate the importance of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) for the organisation (20 Marks)
4. Apply Archie Carroll’s (1991) CSR model to the organisation (25 Marks)
5. Presentation, grammar and referencing (5 marks)
Total (50 marks)
• Knowledge and understanding of corporate governance.
• Abilities to appraise and recognise use of corporate governance and ethics within a business context.
• Understanding of the importance of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
• Understanding of a CSR model (Archie Carroll’s model) and its practical applications.
1. You must briefly discuss corporate governance, including the responsibilities of the Board of Directors to the stakeholders.
2. Explain the four areas that make up corporate social responsibility as identified by Archie Carroll. (1991). Apply this model to your chosen company. Please give relevant practical examples to demonstrate your understanding of this model.
Total 50 marks
1. Morrison, J. (2017) The Global Business Environment, (4th edition), Palgrave.
2. Needle, D. (2015) Business in Context, An Introduction to Business and Its Environment, (6th edition), Cengage Learning.
3. Boddy, D. (2016) Management An Introduction, (7th edition), Pearson Press.
4. Please visit the web site of your chosen company for its annual report and other necessary information.
In addition to the recommended textbook, you are expected to read other textbooks and journals for your research.
Further Details:
• This assignment must be completed individually as a management report, following the appropriate academic structure:
▪ Executive summary
▪ Table of Contents
▪ Introduction
▪ Main body
▪ Conclusions
▪ References list
• The word limit for this assignment is 2500 words. This word limit does not include the executive summary, tables, diagrams, appendices or references.
• Assignment submissions will be made via Turnitin. Please ensure you have your user login and password well before the submission date.
• If you share your work or, parts of your work, with another student this is an academic offence (collusion) and will result in a fail grade.
• You must use Harvard Referencing (Citations in-text) to acknowledge your sources of information and provide a reference list (and bibliography where appropriate). Failure to do this is an academic offence and will result in a fail grade.
• Any bibliography provided must be included as an appendix.
• Marks will be awarded for the professionalism of the report.