
Read the following article by Louis Kreisberg related to identity and outside influences and conflicts for identity. Then, summarize in your own words one important point you think Kreisberg made related to identity and supply a specific quote from the article with your full framing analysis using Steps for Analysis.

Kreisberg on Identity and connection to Oluo and Intersectionality Plus Topic Idea for your paper

Note–now we are working on the skill of synthesis–connecting ideas from 2 or more readings and bringing them together to analyze a subject/theme–and forming your topic idea for your paper which we will now begin working on as the main assignment for this quarter.

Our documented paper will be using these same skills to connect at least 2 of our assigned class readings and at least 5 outside sources that you will research to make an argument/point related to a subject, for example this first theme of identity formation, or intersectionality, or the Prison Pipeline, etc. More details later, but I wanted to explain to you what we are working on and how we are building writing and analysis and synthesis skills as we do these assignments and discussions.

Before midnight on Tuesday July 12

1) Read the following article by Louis Kreisberg related to identity and outside influences and conflicts for identity.

2) Then, summarize in your own words one important point you think Kreisberg made related to identity and supply a specific quote from the article with your full framing analysis using Steps for Analysis. Steps for Analysis Reboot (1)-1.pdf

3) Now, connect that idea from Kreisberg that you have just summarized and provided a framed with analysis quote for and then connect that concept to one aspect of one of Oluo’s Chapter 5 on Intersectionality. Explain how they connect and then provide a fully framed quote from the Oluo and explain how it supports the idea and then frame it with your own analysis and critique from Steps.

Steps for Analysis Reboot (1).pdf

4) Now, read through the description and the stages of our Documented paper assignment that we will be working on starting now until the last week of the quarter 127onlineDocPaperAssignmentandStagesREV-1.doc and in one sentence, tell us what topic you plan to write about for our documented paper.