If budget is an issue, how will the item pay for itself, or save the company money in some other area?
Analysis: Part 1 The Proposal
For our final project of the semester, you will be responsible for proposing a major expenditure at the company you outlined in your company memo. You are going to propose that the company buy a big ticket item. You need to make a convincing case as to why making the purchase will help your company solve a problem that the company needs solving. Specifically, your memo will need to have the following parts:
1. The greeting, which tells the reader why they are receiving the memo, what the problem is, and what the solution is, up front.
2. A detailed explanation of the problem, and why your company needs to address it.
3. A detailed explanation of the solution, and why your company needs to consider it.
4. Items addressed which might make the solution difficult: for example, budget. These items should be mitigated, not ignored. For example, if budget is an issue, how will the item pay for itself, or save the company money in some other area?
5. The overall advantages of adopting your proposal.
6. An assurance that if your proposal is accepted, an analysis of three different possible items will be forthcoming.
7. A courtesy close, telling the reader how to get in touch with you if there are questions of any sort.
The proposal assignment will be worth 100 points. It will be due on April 8th, which will give us time to discuss its feasibility, and make any refinements before the purchase analysis begins.